• Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, China’s role in United Nations Security Council against India 7 years, 5 months ago

    Generally I avoid political posts but at the way China is opposing India I have started to believe that if United Nation’s Security Council failed to ban known terrorists despite the fact that at least 15 c […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Faith in our own ability 7 years, 5 months ago

    We all know that success and failure are as much related to each other as two sides of the same coin but we still feel hesitation while starting a new venture because we feel afraid of failing at our attempt. The […]

    • Yes. I agree that it is only the confidence that makes the things happen. When one is having confidence in one’s own capability and ability in delivering goods he may come out with a big win. A person having a low confidence should never build up confidence just carried away by circumstances. If he by chance, does so, he is bound to suffer in life. He, on the contrary, should avoid taking up such ventures. It is nothing but over-confidence. Estimating more of oneself than what actually he is.

    • Yes it is good to having confidence in yourself because it is the key of success But we have to escape from overconfidence .there is a thin line between both of them.overconfidence leads us to failure. But a positive attitude will help you to recover from it.

    • I do agree that having confidence is a good thing but there are times that you need to understand your own abilities and what you can do with these abilities. If you truly understand your abilities, then you wouldn’t choose to do something that required abilities that you don’t have. This way you won’t be overconfidence and results in failure.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Are you working beyond your capacity? 7 years, 5 months ago

    Have you ever asked a simple question from yourself are you working too hard or are you doing too much than you can handle? Don’t you feel you’re getting no appropriate return for your efforts despite your con […]

    • This is quite common that one cannot reach the top if one is not capable for. Before climbing the top one should estimate the details about the top one has to reach. In most of the cases it gives some idea whether to reach the top or not. One should take a decision in the beginning itself.

      Sometimes, people feel confident of their strength. After getting the full information and other related aspects they build up confidence and do the effort to achieve it. This is what we need to reach the top. This needs regular practice, devotion, diligence, positive thinking and it is here most of the people prove themselves as successful. Without any effort or taking up things as challenge one can not expect to achieve anything. These people are called super-leaders or super Heros. Most of the businessmen do have these qualities. They plan they organize, they coordinate, they order, they obey, the pursue, they convince and they control..everything will be taken up as a whole unit. They start working where others stop their work.

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    suny wrote a new post, China‘s increased influence in Asia 7 years, 5 months ago

    I hate to admit it but the fact is China is doing its best to influence countries South East Asia region and all the member states of SAARC namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and […]

    • Power abhors a vacuum. India and China are the two Asian giants in terms of economic and military power. In Geo-politics it is necessary to project strength in order to promote and protect one’s self-interests. Will China resort to military adventurism? Only as a last resort if negotiation and diplomacy fails. It is the United State that is trying to create an alliance among neighboring Asian countries against China. This is not for the welfare of those countries but mainly to project and maintain US power in the Asian-pacific region.

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    suny wrote a new post, Dalai Lama is hot issue in between India and China 7 years, 5 months ago

    So we have strained relations with China over the issue of Dalai Lama in last couple of months over the issues of Arunachal Pradesh in India and other Tibet related matters. I don’t think there should be any […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Criticism for Fun- What say? 7 years, 5 months ago

    So what do you think about criticism… Are you game for the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes? But don’t you think that we all do it and do it w […]

    • When person does some thing ‘unworthy’ it deserves kick in bottom not pat at back.
      What you wrote is confusing.
      What you wrote is asking people to love you because you hurt them and it is sadism.
      And hilarious.
      Good criticism my friend, yes?

    • giving negative criticism to other people for FUN was never a good thing to do. Just think of the circumstances and anxiety the person will be experiencing when he or she was criticized just for FUN. Although giving criticisms can also be taken as good step in improving mistakes. but there is always a right way in telling something to a person, make sure to be conscious enough and choose the words that will come out from your mouth to avoid misunderstanding and to avoid to hurt the feelings of others. by the way this is a good article. kudos!

    • One should only give criticsm to other person when one truly understand that person.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, How to make someone feel comfortable 7 years, 5 months ago

    Everyone has his own quota of good and moments and so have I. But I have learned to live with my own quota joy and sorrow and as we all know that we cannot avoid them but we have to face them. Problems are part of […]

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    suny wrote a new post, I post images as an amateur photographer 7 years, 5 months ago

    Actually I was reading a forum post yesterday by one of the members of another site. He has invited members to join a site flii.by (no ref-link) that has great features of sharing photos and images, sounds and […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Wall? What Wall? Oh…that Wall 7 years, 5 months ago

    One of the most ridiculous things that crawled out of Donald Trump’s mouth was the building of a Wall between the United States and Mexico.

    This is as ridiculous as unplugging a lap top with a seven hour battery […]

    • Haven’t heard much jibber jabber about the wall lately. But then … I don’t keep up with the news reports or with the Trump tweets. What happened? Is something going on about that wall? I thought the guy in North Korea was on center stage. Are people yelling about that wall again? (???) (Head scratch.) (O.o)

      • Everyone I know who lives in the US is just like you… they virtually have locked off the News. It was announced today that the Democrats would not pass any budget which had the Wall expense on it, so it was dropped for this budget.

    • Yeah, that Security Border Wall. I’ve heard this anti-Trump narrative rant eversince President Donald Trump announced his presidential run in June 2015. And it’s still going on.

      So far, in his first 100 days, anti-Trump ‘compliant citizenry’ are still folding their arms, sulking, yelling their hatred of progess and hatred of Republicans and hatred of anything good, intelligent and conservative ideals for America’s path to going forward in making USA great again.

      It’s mind-boggling to us why anarchy is the liberal-left Democrats’ daily mode of fighting and resistance?

      Anyway, he hasn’t wavered from this vision on building a security border wall. Neither have awesome intelligent legal and lawful Americans who have won a President.

      We’ll see.

      • What you missed, (assuming you read the article) is that;

        ” If Americans did not hire Mexicans and other South Americans, they wouldn’t go to America. Simple. Go and do what? Sleep on a street? Starve? No. Go and get to this place or that place and get a job. Sure, it might be digging ditches, picking fruit, cleaning toilets. But it is a job.

        If no American hired anyone who did not have a social security card or a Work Visa, then there would be no sense in going to America. But that is not what is happening. ”

        The point is that if there were no jobs there would not be such ‘immigration’.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Why You Have Different Sites (to watch Television on line) 7 years, 5 months ago

    I went to watch the next episode of Elementary on Solarmovies.to.   It had been a fine site, no problems.  I liked it because as 123movies.to it kept a record of where you were.  When you logged back on, the si […]

    • I am not a fan american tv series but indeed able to watch any favourite tv series online for free is a wonderful thing for people that don’t earn much in their life and only barely hanging on the end of the thread of their life.

      • Some sites have other presentations, not just American. And these are also free. Which is what you want.

    • I am not a fan american tv series but indeed able to watch any favorite television series online for free is a wonderful thing for people that don’t earn much in their life and only barely hanging on the end of the thread of their life.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Sweet Dessert: Coconut Pudding with Leftover Mungo beans 7 years, 5 months ago

    The current weather is getting hotter than usual.


    In order to cool down the temperature, I often try different types of cool beverages and desserts to cool off for my kids instead of pumping them with […]

    • This is similar to Coconut Buffy prepared in India. Instead of Mungo Beans, we add some dry fruits. We add some cocoa or Pista also. This dish resembles in all aspects the Coconut Buffy. If we add some Basin also the texture becomes very nice. This can be stored easily for 20 days in a container. Can we preserve the Coconut Pudding with Mungo beans for 2 weeks?This is looking great with smooth texture.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Simple and selfless wins the race 7 years, 5 months ago

    It’s a psychological proven fact that when someone talks in terms of ‘me or I ‘at most of the times people lose interest in his talks because no one is interested in self praise coming from a nondescript perso […]

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    suny wrote a new post, We are still far behind in online business 7 years, 5 months ago

    I know we Indians have yet to cover a lot of distance in the field of online business activities.  Do you know that we are a country of more than 500 million internet connections and thousands of ecommerce […]

    • For any business to get the success it should develop and win the trust and confidence of its customer. Unfortunately, these two elements are missing in online business though not in every case but in most of the cases. The policies, availability of products, prices, etc., vary from one online site to another online site. Most of the times they rely on offers and discounts to increase their markets totally neglecting a sound return policy, delivery time, customer care. They still adopt old marketing techniques which actually do not attract the modern customer who cares more about the quality, availability, return back policy, delivery of product, customer care, guarantee and warranty etc., than mere discounts and offers. They should realize this attitude of the present day customer of the new generation and design a suitable marketing policy to increase their business.

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    suny wrote a new post, Gem Stones: Relation with Karma and Planets 7 years, 5 months ago

    You must have seen many people wearing number of gems as suggested by astrologers in the hope of getting good result for their life. Or shall I put it this way to get favor of planets people use gem stones, rings, […]

    • As per Hindu tradition, Astrology is the study of plants and their influence on Human Lives. The nine plants in Astrology manifest different qualities and each is associated with a particular color.

      When a person takes birth depending on the time of birth a particular quality will be predominant in his horoscope. This is to say a particular planet representing that quality and thereby the color associated with his horoscope. Similarly, other qualities (associated with plants and colors) are also shown in the horoscope. A perfect balance has to be maintained for the smooth running of a life. If there is any imbalance is noticed that particular color associated with the planet can be substituted by prescribing a gem.

      It is not necessary that one should use the only gem only. Any crystal, paper, color glass, the colored cloth can be used. But, the quality and the amount of color will not be pure in its form and there is the likelihood of fading away in due course. As such a gem which provides a good quality of color for life long is prescribed. Sometimes, the astrologers also suggest using some colors on a particular days only.

      Everything is designed scientifically by our ancestors. Unfortunately, we with misunderstand, and immature scientific knowledge twist the things with a biased mind. No one is going to lose anything if one does not believe in astrology. This is only after careful thought one will go and opt for it. Some people who are not so matured in their thinking follow certain saying with diligence and experience the benefits.

    • I love to wear gemstones too, depending on my mood for wearing it. I somehow believe that it brings good vibes, but I do not totally rely on it for my good fortune. Of course one has to strive to make his life good or better instead of relying on birth stones or gems or any lucky crystals.

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    suny wrote a new post, Business and workers both will suffer 7 years, 5 months ago

    Recently we have seen a number of new rules replacing the existing ones which has made life of workers a little more complicated in Australia. Some of these rules are related to foreign workers on work visa and […]

  • Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHA

    PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic Your next book for reading? in the forum Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 5 months ago

    Good to know Mahesh,  that you are also into fictional writing.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Why Fourth World Countries Are 7 years, 5 months ago

    Way back, in the mid 1980s, Jamaica had brought over an expert.   He was to analyse the situation after a serious flooding incident.

    To explain ‘serious’  bridges washed away, houses washed away, it wasn’t a h […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, How Marine Le Pen did so well 7 years, 5 months ago

    For many years, the Front National was a fringe group.   It was considered a neo-Nazi party, something one didn’t want to be associated with unless they were into lynching and Synagogue and Mosque […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, BOATY MCBOATFACE and Snot; why voting is a bad idea 7 years, 5 months ago

    It was decided, in some lost sense which ended in the 1990s,  to put the choice of a name for a $287 million dollar polar research ship to the public and let them pick a name.    If this was the 1990s one would ex […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A Few Tips When Watching Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    As I’ve said before,  watching television serials online as opposed to on Television has clear benefits if one appreciates the medium.

    One can watch whatever one wants whenever one wants as long as;

    It is On […]

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