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April 28, 2017 at 10:00 am

Hello my friends? How you all? I hope all of us are enjoying our tasks here. For me as usual always in the mood for writing. Writing is my happiness even if my stomach is hungry cal lung me to feed it with rice hahahaha we are rice eaters, rice is what makes Filipinos suffer for the price is getting higher, but these days, peps you have to know from Philippines that per kilo of rice downs to 43.00 pesos already best rice comparable to jasmine rice from China.

By the way, I am so hungry now, so before I go to the dining are at home, may I ask about your redemption date/ Are you going to redeem ahead of the scheduled date end of the month, or tomorrow one day before the end of the month , or on the last day of the month? We are all so curious now as to the date we have to apply the claim of the fruit of our labor for there are many occurrences here payment not sent on date 15th of the next month because of late redemption, and I was among payment good for two months , that was because I forgot that day , I thought February ends 30 only to realize 28 and I redeemed march 1, LOLS.

That is why, we have to be extra careful this time as to the date of redemption and clicking of the requisition in redemption button, we have to be very careful. Let us read carefully the texts presented in the redemption button box to avoid mistakes and chaos of the mind.

I supposed to redeem this day because my internet is very slow, but I changed my mind, instead of today, tomorrow. I won’t redeem on the 30th, I am afraid that our day here is late,LOLS.

What about you? Thanks peps, to God be the glory.

April 28, 2017 at 10:06 am

Yes, you are correct – we have to be aware of our dates for redemption. I will redeem by tomorrow 28th so I do not know if that will be 29th for Literacy Base time? But I need less than one dollar to go to reach $10 bucks for redemption. 🙂

April 28, 2017 at 10:50 am

@michelle, today is 28th of April here in Ph we are one day ahead of you.You can still bet that 1 dollar. You only need to write two blogs at least 800 words the discussions. Write about your winter feeling, love life, family, shopping on line, shopping malls there closed, wall mart and more.

Good luck to s, God is great.

April 28, 2017 at 11:01 am

Yes PH is ahead a day. It is still 27th of April, but it will soon be the 28th in just one hour exactly (currently 11:00 PM PST right now)…


I am less than $1, just need like .75 cents more, I will make it and redeem early so I will beat the clock to get paid next month! That means double pay (pay here and myLot by the 15th of May) so that will be nice…


Will you redeem soon? I am sure you made it to your $15 bucks now 🙂

April 28, 2017 at 1:18 pm

I think I am going to push for the redemption on 29th. This way I guess I can restart working on other cycle. I have done good so far. And I have some of the things left for the writing today. I have 3 pending payment in such case. Hopefully I get all of them. And that should work out just fine this way as well. I am not sure if the redemption on 30th is good or bad though. I may do it today or 29th if possible. Hopefully all of the people around are doing good and reached their payout amount.

April 28, 2017 at 3:08 pm

@mahesh, nice you wold redeem tomorrow, me too plan to redeem tomorrow afternoon here. Why is it that you still have three pending payments.Is that here in LB pending payments? Maybe you did not redeem them monthly instead quarterly. Let us hope no problem along the way and many can redeem tomorrow or on the 3th.