Author Posts

February 26, 2017 at 1:23 pm

I always visit my blogs posted here and learned some visitors dropping by.Others are not writers here. Maybe they are readers of this site and choose a blog to read maybe for reference. Despite they are visitors and not writers here, but I still reply their nice comments and I realized that per comment reply, we earned almost $30 cents if longer like 1 long paragraph, if shorter, $20 cents. The pay is better compared to no activity it all.

Let us not worry if no blog to submit and to earn for there is a temporary resolution if not prepared to write a blog , through looking back to our blog posts.Despite not our blog to visit, we are still earning the same.This day, I am so busy doing some school works I brought at home, so no time to write a blog in the day, so what I do is visit my own posts and so much thankful to those nice visitors outsiders and insiders of this site.

There are many ways to augment our income here. Thanks for reading and have a nice Sunday with your loves.

February 26, 2017 at 1:40 pm

Yes. When I have nothing to write, I usually post comment. There is a lot to discuss and comment here. But it’s hard to access new content because sidebars don’t help much for that. I wish we had some way to check new posts for more than 10 posts.

February 26, 2017 at 5:55 pm

@mahesh , all I do is only reply comments of my own blog posts.Sometimes, I do not like to read others blogs if see mine many to reply. If sense less, I also read and comment more.If we comment more . we earn more. By the way, please write longer discussion for the pay is better that shorter. If possible write and write expound and expound to further elaborate your discussion in forum, so your earning will be better. Try to notice if your discussion is shorter, your pay is very small, if longer you notice your pay is higher. The same I am doing in replying here longer so that we can have a better income at the end of the month, at least what we are discussing very specific and direct from our mind and heart.

So long, have a nice Sunday and do blog more to earn more.Cheers!