Author Posts

February 13, 2017 at 6:21 pm

Hello guys? Support messaged me telling me about the reason of my earning. He said that I am using some website’s content. I explained to my message that we need reference and in my case I always cite there at the end of my blog references and photo source.

We cannot elaborate a health topic without a source from a web for we are not medical doctors. Well to resolve, let us not anymore write from a source, only from what our brain says which might be lacking for we are not expert of many things. despite we read about the source, still it said copied, amusing. I really explained using my own words after citing some beneficial lines.

Thanks for reading.


February 13, 2017 at 9:52 pm

Good to know you got a response.


February 14, 2017 at 3:00 am

@ Krishna Kumar ,Frankly, I am not anymore happy here, no more inspiration. This might be a trick so they won’t pay writers here.Just imagine my redemption $20. It might be  a thank you hard work. I already sighted many writers gone here all their works THANK YOU no payment. Try to read my blogs simple from my thoughts and feelings.

February 14, 2017 at 10:22 am

So I guess the blogs that we should write are basing from our personal experiences now. I was already planning on posting blogs now wanted to do some research on some things I want to write about but I guess  they want us to pour out just our opinions on things or some kind of online journal. No biggie I love writing about my daily life. 🙂

February 14, 2017 at 2:16 pm

Think you are right, i have read from their guidelines and policy that they don’t want web contents but only those things from your mind. nothing like re-framing of what another person has posted. I will say, just put down your opinions, period.

actually, that is what i have been doing but all the same, they might find something else to complain about again, i am waiting till that time.

don’t be discouraged, just play along with them and i believe we will all smile at the end.


February 14, 2017 at 2:20 pm

Yes, @Vallerie writing about our experiences would be easy for us because thoughts flows naturally and we don’t have to research some facts about things.

Unlike when you make serious blogs you will really have to research first on what you are saying to substantiate them. And in doing the research, you will have to use your own words because you should never copy what you have researched lest, you will be plagiarizing, which is a big NO NO , in writing sites.

February 14, 2017 at 5:09 pm

@Valerie, That is true we have to write base from we see in our environment and day to day  living. In my case, I will no longer write blogs here, useless.There are words that need to be repeated, and they would charge us that with copied content. I hope it is not a trick to avoid paying the writers.

February 14, 2017 at 7:02 pm

Dear @lovern – There is not delaying tactics involved. Initially we don’t have auto post approval system prior, to being passed by moderator and plagiarism test. So, we made this change and switched to the auto approval system and later our moderators scan articles from new users. We gave the liberty to not perform any plagiarism test for old users. But before this payment we have found that content were copied by some old users as well. So, we have to hold payment for couple of more days for specific users before we clear all articles to be scanned.

I hope you will understand the criticality of this issue, because this is not us who have made these rules, its search engine who worked in such a way. If we don’t follow then one day we have to pay the price in the form of penalty and believe me it will not be healthy for all of us.

Thanks – Support

February 14, 2017 at 7:10 pm

As with all sites they want fresh content that Google can’t pick up being linked to anywhere else. So even if you cited the source the content will show here and on someone else’s site which would not make this sites content unique and in turn may affect the website being able to pay out for people writing.

I can understand it, from your point it’s frustrating as you’ve written it, but I’m sure you could rewrite the wording if needed too etc or just literally write your own personal stories. 

February 15, 2017 at 3:06 am

Support, thank you.

February 15, 2017 at 3:22 am

I can appreciate a ‘checker’ flagging an item which holds a quote, but any human glance will be able to distinguish that from plagiarism.  In fact, it makes the article more substantial when one can supply the authorities for the point being made.