Author Posts

March 7, 2017 at 10:48 pm

Thanks Peeush. I wish to interact and write more. But the time here is very limited. So I try to mix things up and try to get as much done as possible. Some of the time it works and some of the time it does not work. I hope you are doing fine. I hope you remain active here. As there are very few people more active here so it’d kind of silent here in some hours. So just passing by and making the comment.

March 8, 2017 at 5:48 pm

@PEEUSH TRIKHA, Hi? Sorry to reply you late. I have just arrived home from work. About your post, I have not seen or read your story about post. Tell me the title of it so that I can read it and share my nice comments.I have posted so many stories here.

March 9, 2017 at 4:18 pm

Hi peps? How are you all here? Every time I visit here I see only one writer. Maybe they are afraid of the words flashed on screen once submit a blog hehehehe. As long as you are the original writer, there is nothing to worry about.The problem here before was slow . This time moderation is on the spot but writers none hehehe. I submit blogs here one or two everyday.When I arrived home for work, I right away position myself here to write a blog before I open LB.I am doing this to save time and energy.

There are only few here writing and submitting a blog. There are so many writers here this time let us all together hope better earning as days go by.How I wish to have many vacant time to write blogs. I feel happy if write something and earn some. Writing is indeed a please and somehow it also becomes an important treasure in our lives for we can read back our posts we saved many years from now should wee want to save them. For me, I save all my articles submitted here. Someday, I will print the, all, Thank you friends and have a good evening from my home to your home.