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April 25, 2017 at 6:41 pm

Hi friends? I truly do not have idea if baking soda is safe to use in soaking vegetables. First and foremost my special thank to my friend @acelawrites for she commented my bog about foods that if eaten raw better than cooked, so her answer in my my blog is to soak the vegetables so they will be safe if eat them raw. I plan to eat raw vegetables hehehehe to practice for in raw things is where we can assure of retention of oxidants that clean our body and protect from entries of many bad diseases. This time as the world is getting much complicated, there is no doubt that bad sickness may enter a place and do contamination to people. It will be better to be guarded by our immune system through promoting to the body the right foods.

Sometimes junk foods are like temptations for we cannot resist to eat,lols. But there are studies that also reveal about some beneficial facts of junk foods, hay what a life what a body very demanding and sensitive.

Please share me knowledge of baking soda or I do research tomorrow morning. I am so sleepy now and super tired writing long blogs this day. I submitted 5 long blogs today,lols.

Take care everyone and have a good night from Philippines to you.

April 26, 2017 at 2:43 am

Yes,my friend, there are researches about the very many uses of baking soda.

It is safe, since it is an ingredient in baking ! ha ha ha! So many health benefits of baking soda; there is also a research that it is anti-fungal, and one doctor said that cancer is really a fungal disease or it originated from fungus, so baking soda can cure cancer according to him. I forgot the name of the doctor but you can also research on it.

April 26, 2017 at 12:39 pm

@acelawrires,hahaha I remember now, bread has baking soda and my sister I remember she use baking soda to soften the flour in the cooking of hot cake and pan cake, hehehe, I have just remembered it.LOLS. I will finally buy baking soda tomorrow to make sure that the raw foods I plan to eat are safe.How could a baking soda cures cancer through drinking the water with soda? hahahaha so funny doctor maybe related to quack doctor hahaha.But quack doctors can also cure.

April 26, 2017 at 1:36 pm

I think not every fruit is a good combination with baking soda. Some of the fruits and vegetables are anti oxidants. For example say like grapes. Using them in recipe with baking soda is not a good idea. Same is the case with other fruits. So it depends on which food you are making. And which fruits and vegetables you are using. The baking soda is one good thing that you can see for the same there as well. That being said, you can see that not all of them are safe to use there as you can see.

April 26, 2017 at 4:34 pm

@mahesh, thank you friend, at least there is additional info about baking soda.I plan to eat raw veggies for a change hehehehe, but most of our veggies here are toxic they are sprayed with pesticides and only rain can gradually erase the chemicals.If humans do not thoroughly wash the vegetables, they create trouble to stomach and other parts of the human body. I hope not. Actually I am so hesitant to soak veggies like spinach, cauliflower, celery, parsley, these are my favorite veggies and they are sprayed with chemicals and this time it is summer here in Philippines up to June so rain is absolutely not around ur planet so chemicals remain their on the veggies.

Thanks for your thoughts on this very much appreciated.