Author Posts

April 20, 2017 at 5:29 pm

I am happy to share you my happiness this very day for I have cleared myself from schools responsibilities. I complied all the requirements for a clearance signing for four days starting Monday up to this day. I hope I could achieve my goals again to have a better passive income. Passion is my writing so by tomorrow I am going to rampage here once again. I hope we can all achieve our dreams through hard work and perseverance. yes, we have to persevere as long as the site stays with us for good.

Have a good night all from home to yours…

April 20, 2017 at 7:12 pm

I hope you enjoy your time without writing. I have lot of things on my plate. Summer is half way here. And lot of things to do with family. I am working harder but not much going anywhere so far with the online earning. Hopefully this year can change life for me. I have lot of things to do with the way I am writing for various sites. I am hoping that you too will be busy once you are back from vacation. Looking forward to your blogs where you write about vacation and all the fun stuff you do in your home. Have a good week ahead.

April 20, 2017 at 8:19 pm

Yes. You can rampage the site. I am seeing your blogs. Most of the time I am finding your blogs only. I could not understand how you could manage so many blogs. The whole site is filled with your blogs only. Well, keep it up. I am busy with other sites also and unless I work and submit in time I will not be paid as you must be quite aware of that. The summer is very horrible here in India. It is 43 deg. celsius in Hyderabad. It may go even further and may reach 46 deg. This is the great problem working in the hot summer sitting at home and to write for different sites. Moreover, I contacted the Admin for the payment. No reply has been received. How about you? Have you received payment for  March? I think Mahesh also is doing a great job. Hope he would earn sufficiently this summer.

April 21, 2017 at 8:18 am

@mahesh, hehehehe I was so tired and sleepy last night when I wrote this post only to realize that error made instead of saying writing is my passion I wrote passion is my writing hahahaha, I cannot avoid to laugh aloud alone here in my computer room.Well, O also have other plans like watching a movie with my nephew kids, swimming in blue sea, surfing of some important events and strolling, cooking eating, but most hours will be spent writing blogs. I write blogs in advance so when time comes for me to shoot them here, I am always ready and be inspired more with others impressions of everyone’s post here and speculations of some possibilities to soar our earnings here like crazy,lols.

Take care.

April 21, 2017 at 8:29 am

@sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam, Siva, I will share you my techniques. yes I am so busy in school, but during free time in the office, I close my eyes and think of some nice blog tiles.I always bring with me a small notebook not that too small medium size for me to write down some blog titles that ma just pop up in my mind. Then I usually commute though I have a car to ride, but I prefer to commute for I can see well in billboards nice topics good as basis of my blogs. Then, I can see well in billboards some attractive sentences and caricatures that mostly attract my interest and immediately copy, edit it and serve as titles of my blogs. To think of a blog title is not easy, so what I always do is think, look around and look at people around .

By the way, I hope that @support gives justice to your effort. I know you work hard to have some earnings here. I am also thinking about your pay pal check it, it might not be the match of your yahoo mail, check also your pp account, who knows Literacy already sent your pay. I hope life is kind to us though. Thank you for your scholarly way in elaborating your feelings and thoughts to my blogs and forum court discussions. Let us always pray and talk to God to remedy our aching heart and paves doubts.Take care f yourself.