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May 7, 2018 at 10:58 am

. These are properties that are permanent or that depend on the kind of substance itself. For example, we kn0w that pure water is c0l0rless and is a liquid at room temperature; does n0t burn,freezes at 0’c, and boils at 100’C at sea level. Carbon dioxide is a colorless ,odorless gas at room temperature and does not burn. Ethanol, the common alcohol,is very volatile and inflammble. These intrinsic properties describe each substance. These properties do not chage for different samples of the pure substance. There are also nonpermanent properties of substances that vary from sample to sample. They are called extrinsic properties. For example,the mass of the water sample that we are studiying may be 1 g, 5 g, or 100 g. Carbon dioxide can occupy a volume of 1 L, 5 L, OR 100 L, the amount of substance is an extrinsic property. Properties of substances that are dependent on amount are also called extensive properties. Those that are independent of the amount of substance are called intensive properties.