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August 11, 2016 at 2:10 pm

Do you believe in dwarfs? I remember when I was still a child my youngest brother experienced something that doctors cannot explain. His body was full of rashes with waters inside like that of chicken pox but when we rushed him in the hospital they told us that it is not a chicken pox. We went to a folk healer and he told us that there are dwarfs living South of our kitchen and my mother spilled hot water there. The dwarfs punished my mother by giving sickness to her youngest child.

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August 11, 2016 at 2:46 pm

At first, I don’t also believe on this. My uncle was cleaning the backyard at late afternoon. The elders told him not to do anything before the dawn comes in the day. He brushed off the advice.

The following day, my uncle cannot move his both lower limbs. They consulted a doctor from a hospital but nothing changed his condition. Due to old folks, they asked the help from a quack doctor and claimed that there is a bad evil dwarf was hit by my uncle while cleaning the backyard. A simple offer of prayers and food and then, my uncle was able to move his lower limbs.

August 11, 2016 at 2:54 pm

Yes the elders tell us that too. But they say there are two types of dwarfs the good one and the bad one or the black dwarfs. The good ones help the people while the other one punishes humans who harm them. Did the quack doctor gave your uncle oil or water to put on his limbs @shavkat ?

August 11, 2016 at 3:24 pm

Really i don’t know what to think about this whole story it may sound weird yet it could be true, what should i believe? is that really how dwarfs came about? It sounds more like one of those many myths that we all tend to believe. I used to think that dwarfs were a result of maybe genes from the parents or something like that, from what you have written it sounds more like a curse that came from the dwarfs.

August 11, 2016 at 4:18 pm

I really need someone to tell me if this is really true, does it happen, or is it just something that people are saying. okay I have never really encountered this things so for me I will not assume anything and just try to digest what I have read

August 12, 2016 at 5:26 pm

At first, I didnt believe it too. But after what happened to my brother, I can say that I started to believe this thing.

August 13, 2016 at 1:55 pm

Dwarfs do dwell everywhere on earth. I experienced this in my whole life. When I was assigned in charge of the Physics laboratory in the school where I first taught, I cannot believe this happening. When I arrived in the 5th floor where Physics lab was located, and after everything was organized, I looked up the window to see the beauty of the world basing from 5th floor of the building. I cannot say No to my chairman, then when I closed the windows I heard a very small voices laughing and calling my name…then voice fading.I responded who are you? Why do you call me, but got no reply.By the way, I brought slippers in the lab so that when I am inside I wear them. Before I left the laboratory, I put my slippers below the chair,but the next day, I cannot find my slippers.I saw them at the back of the curtain. I was so confused.I asked my chairman if there is another holder of the lab key and the answer was No. The next morning, my slippers were put on top of the table and that made me so mad.What I did, I brought my karaoke the next day and have it on so loud and all the lights on non-stop sound. I told the dwarfs, better vacate this place for this is not your place and you do not pay a rent ha ha ha. The next day, no more dwarfs up to the time when I was assigned there.There is dwarf.

August 14, 2016 at 8:14 am

There is dwarf. It does not exists only in the imagination of a writer. It exists because it was proven.I wrote previously about my experience having played by dwarfs in the Physics lab and how I was able to dive them out from that laboratory.

August 14, 2016 at 8:22 am

Hahaha good thing they never punished you because of disturbing them @lovern . “vacate this place for this is not your place and you do not pay a rent” statement made me laugh here. 😀

October 26, 2016 at 2:38 pm

Yes dwarfs live on earth according to their will and wishes but you are happy the dwarf did not harm you otherwise I have listened to a magician the dwarf sucks human blood and changes man into a dwarf.

October 27, 2016 at 12:27 am

For I me I don’t think dwarfs exist. I know that dwarf have supernatural power but I only see them in American movies  but until now I still don’t think they exist even to the extent of coming to disturb the peace of the humans. The people in this part of my country see Americans mythical movies as film tricks, so for one day we never believed in any of them.

But we very much believe that spirit(ghost)  exist and they come in the shape of a full human beign not a little creature and spirit don’t attack the innocent but from your post it seems like these creatures called dwarfs attack anyone around them for those that believe it exists. 

But what generally we know as dwarf are humans with small hind and limbs thereby making them short. The very short people in my area are those we call dwarfs and I  believe to some extent that they are caused by improper growth. What’s your say? 

December 15, 2016 at 9:26 pm

Dwarfs with supernatural powers… hahahah you have made my day, i don’t believe we have dwarfs in the world that have powers, it was good as fairly tail but that it,  i do believe we have extremely short people who were born that way because of deformity which is known as weirdly enough as Dwarfism but no supernatural powers have been documented, and trust me, Kenya has seen its fair share of “Supernatural Powers”


February 10, 2017 at 8:00 pm

I’ve never heard of this nor have I ever seen this but I will believe that there are things in this world that we can’t explain and I feel that God himself has made things that we would not even believe until we see it happen amongst us. So wit that being said I believe in spirits, the supernatural and whatever else that comes wit it.

June 2, 2017 at 3:43 am

They say you can’t see dwarfs but some people claimed to see one but then it’s up to us if we believe this creatures. Dwarfism is another thing. 🙂