Author Posts

March 10, 2017 at 4:10 pm

Hey All,

Now a days we have lot of options to watch a movie.

  1. The first option is go to a movie hall when the movie releases. You can watch the movie as soon as it releases.
  2. You can watch Hall print video which are mostly available by a week. The print is not good but you can still manage.
  3. Third option is wait little more and watch a good print in your computer or dvd player.
  4. Fourth option would be wait more and watch the movie when it is shown on TV. With all the ad breaks.
  5. And fifth option, hear the story from a friend, get feed back and do not watch the movie at all.

Well, I am in the third category mostly. I rarely go to hall, I have no craze about first day first show. I wait for a good print and then watch it on my laptop.

March 10, 2017 at 9:43 pm

I go to movie halls if someone sponsors. Or I wait  to get the downloaded file.

March 10, 2017 at 10:17 pm

I personally prefer to watch online. The reason being online watching has better experience than offline. I watch most of the movies on Netflix. I wish I could subscribe to some of the good places online. But on most of the Indian websites, there is lot of delay for showing the movies. Most of the cinema halls charge a lot of money. I think that is one reason many are downloading and watching the movies. Some of us are using the netflix and tata sky subscription for watching movies. That’s what I think.