Author Posts

September 17, 2016 at 10:47 am

I received the usual payment related mail from tinycent today and the following lines caught my attention:

We found that few of the TinyCent users are implementing traffic exchange and view bombing techniques. We may have to verify all the views for the users for current payment period.”

So this explains unusually high views on posts by some members. I had been wondering how they manage to get such high views. Such dishonest tactics brings the sites down which are otherwise started with good intentions. I wish the members would stay honest and don’t resort to cheating because of their greed!

September 17, 2016 at 11:55 am

@shaloo walia  I haven’t got such mail from tiny cent. But this is surely bad. Using traffic exchange for this kind of views is not done. Surely users should keep on legal ways for getting traffic. Today or yesterday they will lose account and such thing is bad for site too.

September 17, 2016 at 12:13 pm

@ naruto100  I read a post from Rapidblue on tinycent’s fb page. Apparently she is banned from the site because of this. Her posts had unusually high views which I had also noticed. But she maintains that this is because she shares her posts on 22 different sites. 

September 17, 2016 at 1:17 pm

@shaloo walia They have deleted those members but according to my information one of them was sharing them on 22 sharing sites.

@naruto100 I have also received that mail telling me that my pay will be processed within 7-10 days.

September 17, 2016 at 1:20 pm

It is better that they check each and every view so that the Bubblews story does not repeat here.

September 17, 2016 at 3:19 pm

They are checking and know the source of views exactly. Everyone that knows how to check the source of views because that is not a secret. A site depending and paying purly based on views registers every view and its source in detail.

September 17, 2016 at 3:21 pm

It just struck me. Views can come from several quarters – media share, within the community, Net views and also those from within the community sharing your blogs and also illegally.

The site has to be discerning in finding out the legality or otherwise of views that one receives.



September 17, 2016 at 3:42 pm

TinyCent could easily detect the organic views and the robot-run views. I am not saying that RapidBlue is administering or using doubtful media sharing. This is what I have observed long, long time ago when Bubblews is still operating. There are users who created a closed group with the purpose of exchange page views with their Bubblews posts. And someone had reported their activities. Their accounts were deleted and they’re all banned. But they did persist for they used another usernames.

I am afraid this would probably happen to TC. I notice lately that there are users/members who could readily and easily get a higher pageviews in a matter of a minute or an hour. TC could as I have said track it. The organic source of those pageviews either in social media or in any unlawful means of viewing.

Another modus, those malicious users/members could use if a robot-run as I have mentioned earlier is used. In my case, I submit one or two posts a day and share them to my friends who are in the various social media. I don’t know if they do view them or not. As I check my TC account, I notice that my posts’ pageviews are moving.

September 17, 2016 at 4:30 pm

@shaloo walia, Too bad for those whose interest is mixed with impurities. Why had they made a short cut? They should work according to the rules and policies of the admin of TC> Though I am not a member there, but I feel the bad effect should many do some illegal activities. Those who were banned cannot be trusted and they made their reputation bad.They may not be hied in other sites. RB was also banned in BJ.

September 17, 2016 at 4:47 pm

What is actually this tinycent been mentioned here frequently? can someone fresh me up?

September 17, 2016 at 6:19 pm

Isn’t that a good thing: sharing your blog posts on as many sites as you have?

September 17, 2016 at 6:21 pm

Where and what is BJ , @cely? Is this an online content writing site?

September 17, 2016 at 6:37 pm

Oh wow, so this explains why some members got very high views and some few honest users got only 1 to 5 views with their post. Its good the tinycent now are aware of this situation. Lots of people are writing but some are really dismayed because of low views. I just hope all will be fair so the distribution of blessings is equal.

September 17, 2016 at 6:43 pm

How do you share your post in social sites? This long been my problem because there are no icons in the articles of social network sites like facebook, twitter or instagram. Hope you can educate me to raise my page views in TC.

September 17, 2016 at 7:12 pm

It really is not hard to determine where the traffic is coming from on any site especially if they have google analytics installed. It tells you where they visited, how long, who referred them, and so forth. The site just needs a person to watch over these on a daily basis. My favorite ones are when it tells you it’s an organic view.

Every writing site has these problems with people who think they can buy views and get away with it. They don’t think they will ever get caught.