Author Posts

April 16, 2017 at 11:25 pm

The advantage of this website I have found is the fact that every hour you can roll the dice and earn between 100-100000 satcohi. Plus if you earn about 30000+ satcohi you then get 4% interest per day on top of that. Plus game of chance and a lottery draw every week that can earn you on average of £1000.

May 6, 2017 at 2:06 pm

It is very difficult to earn money or bitcoins from this website…  Without referring anyone, it takes more than 2 years to earn money from this website.. .  So, decide whether to register or not..

May 6, 2017 at 2:39 pm

I think you just posted the referral link and ran away. In reality we all know that bitcoins are harder to make money from. And it is not at all easy option either. So you have to consider spending the time and money wisely on bitcoin based things. I can tell you for sure how much bitcoin would cost for normal person. And it is no way affordable. I am not sure how come many people say that bitcoin is easier or so. It is not at all easy to earn bitcoin.

May 10, 2017 at 7:40 am


It is all about the ads the Bitcoin companies give.  They simply give a ad stating that you can earn 0.01 BTC per day..  That means members can earn Bitcoins just in 100 days which is worth almost Rs. 1,00,000 in INR.  That make them attract to the website and Signup.   But after working for 15 – 20 days, You will see some abnormal behaviours in the account OR admin may ask you to deposit money before withdrawal OR the site would have shutdown..


May 13, 2017 at 5:47 pm

I also joined a lot of bitcoin websites like freebitco , facuetgame all sites, some bitcoin games etc.

For your own work, it is hardly earn a little.

It needs Referrals so that we can earn enough money!

May 13, 2017 at 10:12 pm

@Kwong ka chun

@chunchun, Well said, Most of the PTC websites needs referrals to earn money.  Ob the other side, They expect you to invest in their website and offers daily interest on the invested amount..  Those who joined these sites are lucky, get their investment amount back in due course of time, But the latecomers will loose the money as the life of PTC sites is very small.

But I’m working with other PTC website, It has very limited ads to click on everyday and gives earnings of atleast $0.5 every day. I joined 4 days agao and earned $2 so far without referring anyone. Payout is $5.