Learn about how to make your life easier. Debates on how to do things easier! Ex. If you put a dry towel in with a load of laundry it dries your load 2x faster!
WHYZ'DAT? started the topic Simple Unflouidated Lifehacks for Brushing your Toddler's Teeth in the forum Lifehacks 8 years ago
With Vitamin. C Sodium Ascorbate. You can get Vit.C sodium ascorbate from the chemist/drugstore or pharmacy. If they are in tablet form, simply ground the sodium ascorbate tablets.
My little grandson, 2 years old, has started to learn that brushing his teeth, with the help of his mom, is part of his bath routine. But a flouridated toothpaste i…[Read more]
WHYZ'DAT? posted an update in the group Lifehacks 8 years ago
I’m joining Lifehacks because I want to learn from this group, and share a few practical home-manager’s tips. That’s me, a full-time homemaker and manager. So, keep your questions coming. Or perhaps, keep those valuable doable tips coming.
WHYZ'DAT? joined the group Lifehacks 8 years ago
Rhonda Robinson posted an update in the group Lifehacks 8 years ago
What are your life hacks?
Rhonda Robinson created the group Lifehacks 8 years ago