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April 30, 2018 at 5:51 am

To design polymers with different sets of properties to suit a wide range of useful products. They can be soft and breakable like thin paper and can be hard and str0ng like steel.they can be made designed to withstand low or high temperatures,the attack of microorganisms.light,and chemicals.s0me are designee to be biocompatible.that is,they are harmless to living tissues or do not cause skin infection.patients needing bone replacements,synthetic skin for burns,and conduits for damaged veins and arteries rely on products using polymers.

April 30, 2018 at 6:11 am

Bulletproof vest and helmets are made of polymers.
windshields of vehicles are made of glass sheets.laminated with clear plastics.when shattered,the plastic holds the glass fragments which can injure those inside the vehicle.bulletpro0f glass in vehicles is made of alternating layers of glass and clear plastic.str0ng,lightweight,and thin hulls for rachng boats are also made of plastics.industrial and surgical gloves are lined with thin plastics that resist cuts by a sharp knife or a scalpel.