Author Posts

November 29, 2016 at 11:02 pm


Human are the biggest threat to wildlife, forests, climate and marine life.The source of all the problems mentioned  as major threats to wildlife and many other life forms can be traced to humans and their existence. Our actions lead to habitat destruction, fragmentation,  degradation, hunting, poaching, illegal wildlife trade, pollution and over exploitation of natural resources which are limited.  So we happen to be  the source of all the ills which are self destructive. We have to be the necessary change and reform to conserve and preserve wildlife and other forms of life on the planet. We need not look to governments and authorities always for the answer or solutions many of the changes can be brought at an individual level. Lets individually do our best to effect even minor changes as they count a lot. Like it and share it with one and all to create awareness and let the message reach all over the world.

  • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  Krishna Kumar.

March 5, 2017 at 2:15 am

Humans kill wildlife for many reasons but all of them are linked to serve them and benefit them in one way or another. They trade the body parts of all life forms either to consume themselves, or use them  as food to some other business where those ones need to feed the living organisms so that they can fetch them a better rate in the market in the cattle trade fairs or other fairs, they also kill many for sport, trophy hunting, indulging in culling on the pretext of controlling their population.


Rear these animals to be butchered at a later date or sold to factories or research and development units for testing purposes for medicines or other uses. Some use their parts as traditional medicine to cure many ailments majority of which are nothing but quackery as there is no scientific basis proven of consuming them and getting cured. All this is not limited to any one country but is universally indulged in by humans in all parts of the world. They would want to extract the maximum out of the business as they consider wildlife, other animals and living organisms as their personal property.


This selfish attitude and greed is what is resulting in extinction of many species about which the future generations will never know or see and understand them. Do you feel this destruction by humans in different forms is good for humans themselves and the other life forms in particular and the future generations to come? This is food for thought.


March 5, 2017 at 12:03 pm

I think in past we humans used to get killed by the wild animals.And now due to modernization, the animals are getting killed. We are not necessarily a threat. We are just sharing our space with the other animals. I think we are blaming the humans for almost everything that is going around. For example, if we let the other animals to take over that also means the wildlife can be in trouble. only issue with humans is that they are polluting and also doing the environmental issues.

March 5, 2017 at 12:10 pm

There are so many humans getting crazy this time they are no longer animal-friendly so too with the animals to them. True, many humans pollute the air and foods for the animals that is why they tend to abuse nature through polluting the air. Mining is one condemned business in Philip pies that pollute water and denuding the forest.

March 5, 2017 at 2:26 pm



Appreciate your views on this topic. But when compared to animals and other living organisms we humans have evolved and come of age while others have not been fortunate. In earlier times humans too had to fight for survival from other animals. But today the worst enemy of humans are humans themselves and not animals. Man is also a social animal so are many of the others with different levels of mind. Whereas it is we the humans who have been bestowed upon this honor of discussing, debating, analyzing and reasoning on the many issues logically. Many other animals also live in social groups but are not as evolved as humans.


All these things are being done by humans as I write posts with photos and videos about them regularly environmental groups. We use them in circuses around the world and for amusement  in zoos. They are made to do all unnatural acts. In what way are they supposed to amuse us and why should they. They are best when seen in the wild. Tigers and lions are being drugged and made to sit with children and elders and photos being taken of them for a fee at wildlife resorts. Many of the wildlife get killed on the roads and railway tracks which go through the forests. That being the forest area we humans are not supposed to venture there.


Humans breed and are overpopulating the world and are eating up all the resources available leaving little for others. When wildlife becomes extinct forest too die and there will be no ecosystem too and less rains and climate changes too occur and ultimately even humans suffer due to all this and what will be the effect of all this on future generations. So are humans not a big part of the problem as they also develop cities which cannot be managed properly by humans themselves. These are some examples of how we as  humans are responsible.


While man animal conflict must be avoided how do we do that by leaving the wildlife and the forests alone and giving them their space and not intruding and chopping forests. If we do that they land up in cities or human habitations and we have a problem in our hands  which is of our own making. Thank you both for discussing the topic.