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February 9, 2017 at 2:49 pm

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Each of us form and possess a  personality which develops from the time we are born. While we may not be knowing about anything as a small child. Ones we start growing up we can certainly learn to better ourselves by avoiding certain things.

1) Avoid butting into a conversation which is taking place between two people if you would want to intervene take their approval and then do so.

2)  Avoid being on a fault finding mission about  others instead look inwards and try correcting what can be done to improve  ourselves.

3) Avoid having and showing an attitude howsoever big, intelligent or mighty on might be in his or her given field. As there are many things which we have still to learn.

4) Avoid anger and be at peace with yourself and with others. See to it that others find you a person who can be approached without any hesitancy should they have a difficulty or would want to share something.

5) Avoid reading others minds and forming opinions. It is better to ask the person about some doubt, concern or clarification we may have by approaching them face to face. It helps many times in not forming misconceptions.

6) Avoid intruding into others personal lives unless they feel comfortable or it is better still if you do so only if  they approach you for help. If you have to say something do ask if they would be comfortable with it.

7) Avoid leading a haphazard  lifestyle as this not only creates trouble in whatever you may be planning or aiming to achieve but it also troubles your health and makes the immune system and body weak over a period of time leading to health issues.

8) Avoid waiting till the last minute before you act on something which is of importance and should be finished by a particular time as delaying things not only creates problems for finding solutions on time but also puts pressure in your mind as your mind will keep thinking and worrying about the issue even though you may be involved with other work. It causes stress to the mind which is avoidable.

9) Avoid landing into someones house without notice even if they are well known to you unless it is something very urgent, as they will be busy with their lives or problems and would be dealing with it. It is better you inform them of your plans and then go then they would be mentally prepared to receive you if they have said yes.

10) Avoid forcing people to eat or drink something which you and others may like  if they are not comfortable with it or if they feel their stomach is full. It is advisable not to force feed people even though you many have all the noble intentions in doing so. This should be thought about especially in case of children.


  • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by  Krishna Kumar.

February 9, 2017 at 9:13 pm

  1. Absolutely those nuggets are the right ones. Respect for one another is key. [video width="400" height="224" mp4=""][/video]

February 9, 2017 at 9:36 pm

There are many things which can be learnt from the above topic ten things to avoid. If properly implemented and adhered life can be a bed or roses and not a crown of thorns. Its all in our hands as how we want our lives to be.

February 10, 2017 at 9:53 am


You have enumerated it well. Those are all ideal behaviors which I think is unavoidable sometimes. But I think it depends on how the person were brought up by his parents or on what kind of environment he has. If only we can do all of those that you have mentioned, I am sure that we will all have a very fulfilling and happy life.


February 10, 2017 at 2:15 pm

Happy to hear your point of view as it matters and each individual is unique. As told by you our parents and elders play a very important role in inculcating this during our early years of life. But if one is focused and clear about what he want to do and how to approach the issue he or she can do so by implementing the principles which improve ones life and avoid the unwanted ones step by step. This procedure does take some practice and daily but can be implemented by all if one does it consciously over a period of time. Once someone masters the same he will have a life full of contentment which is a big gift anyone will find happy to receive or be eligible for do you not agree readers?