Author Posts

December 14, 2016 at 2:47 pm

SYNAPSE is a connector across which information flows from one brain cell to another

And this is crucial because it determines your child’s mental strength and abilities

The more synapses, the better it is for your child’s mental strength and abilities

And these grow at an alarming rate during your child’s early years

You can stimulate your child’s mental strength and abilities by retaining as many synapses as possible

Would you like to know how?

The secret lies in the positive engagement your child receives during the early years

December 15, 2016 at 9:47 pm

Yes, human brain is full of synapses but there is no place in our mind for negativity because means the absence of positivity. Just the meaning of darkness means the absence of light, hatred means the absence of love. We must be positive in our life not negative has no result and it future in future. Child learns not from parents but from the early environment and heredity and nothing else.

A child cannot choose two things, parents an dearly environment, two more crucial factors that determine the child’s personality and destiny.