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December 19, 2016 at 12:06 am

The lemon shark is mainly found in the gulf of mexico and the southern coast of the United States. The Lemon Shark is one of the most well researched sharks. They are short-nosed and stocky sharks with a powerful bite. They have unusual yellow-tinged coloration that sets them apart.

It gets its name from the deep yellow color on its back. Its belly is white. Its teeth are curved, designed to catch slippery fish to eat. They are a large shark species. The lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) is a requiem shark that is fairly common along the southeast coast of the USA.

Its scientific name means “the shark with the smooth teeth and the short snout.”  Poey first described the lemon shark in 1868 and named it Hypoprion brevirostris, later renaming it Negaprion brevirostris. Some of the interesting facts about sharks are 30 and 80 percent of a shark’s flesh is made of water. Sharks can smell blood flowing in water from long distances.

Most people are very curious about lemon sharks due to their color. They are basically loners but they sometimes form a group to hunt. They are natures marine scavengers and clean the oceans of the dead carcass. Generally they clean up the whole waste within minutes in groups and move on to their next destination.

They are being hunted and are fighting a battle for survival. This is because of mechanized and over fishing with the use of trawlers and dynamiting which pose a risk to their population and species. Say no to shark fin soup and other dishes of sharks being cooked and served all over the world and help them survive. 

December 19, 2016 at 10:42 am

Sharks are not fishes but the mysterious creatures of God but misunderstood by the whole world’s peoples because they just look sharks but its purpose in the seas and under water.

We must ponder over the purpose of creation not its color and height and length. The finding of lemon sharks is one of the mysterious creature of God but will be wonderful its purpose on earth and in seas.

December 19, 2016 at 2:03 pm

Yes, it one of the many mysterious creatures which we are fortunate to have. Unfortunately they are misunderstood rather than being appreciated. They are one of the oldest creatures of creation and have been able to survive this long. They are highly adaptable. All of us are in awe when we see a shark. That is the aura they have.