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May 10, 2016 at 10:20 am

@ruby3881 Chicken indeed is a very versatile dish.

@peachpurple We eat a lot of chicken in my house. Chicken is used in steaks, boneless chicken handi, chicken ginger, chicken shashlik and chicken in white sauce but the most favourite is chicken karahi.


May 10, 2016 at 12:12 pm

My dear @dawnwriter, all those mentions of chicken dishes have my mouth watering. And I have only just recently eaten!

I love hearing about all the wonderful dishes my friends in Asia prepare, but I often find I am not sure what the food is like. I think many of us in the West would love to read posts that explain the different foods. This is a good way to write about things you know well, but in a way that will attract many page views from Westerners – which is what Google prefers 🙂

May 10, 2016 at 5:36 pm

Weird things happening to my comments.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Dawnwriter.

May 10, 2016 at 8:35 pm

@ruby3881 You did read a comment about my chicken dishes and commented upon it. Can you see it now?


May 10, 2016 at 10:41 pm

No @dawnwriter, I didn’t actually get to see the comment. I got two notifications that you had replied, and a truncated version of the comment showed up on my mentions page. But when I clicked through to read what you had said, neither comment was there. All I could see was your remark about comments going missing 🙁

You are not the only one this is happening to. I have seen at least one other user who says the same is happening. And from the fact that I sometimes get two notifications for a single comment, I suspect others are experiencing something similar. They are probably just retyping the comment and sending it again.

May 11, 2016 at 4:55 am



Hi! I had also encounter missing comments too.

Then I realized that fi you leave your comments in the comment box ( don’t use the reply button ), add in tag as you had suggested, it will appear but NOT on this page, it had appeared on the next page !

So, you have to press FORUM on the top ( the blue color – Besides HOME ), you will see the list of forum with the number of pages.



Under my

What is your favorite Chicken recipe/ dish?


and then you will see 2 pages before “Started by peachpurple”.

Click to the 2nd page, your comment was there all the while !!

Hope this helps.


May 11, 2016 at 5:05 am



I also had the same problem, please read the comment I had explained above for @morgoodie


I saw your comments on the chicken and your rant about the comment missing. They were on the 2nd page.

May 17, 2016 at 12:31 am

For me there is nothing like my grandmothers and mothers fried breast of chicken.  Luckily I have learned how to fry it just like them.  Gosh!! mouth watering just thinking about it.

May 17, 2016 at 1:31 am

I just made some fried chicken the other day and it was delicious. I love when it gets really crispy. I like to use coconut oil to fry it in and it has such a good flavor to it. My children love chicken and sometimes I will tell them they are going to turn into a chicken the way they eat it all the time. LOL  I need to make some chicken and rice soup since I have some leftover chicken from the other night. I loved it when my mother would do this with leftover chicken or turkey which ever one we would have.

May 18, 2016 at 3:34 pm



Oh your chicken recipe makes my mouth water now!

Chicken with rice, a great combination, here locally we called it Chicken rice, where the chicken is roasted in the oven and the rice is cooked with the chicken excess oil plus lots of garlic and screwpine leaves.

I would be posting a recipe on that soon.

Oh yes, left over chicken would make a good sandwiches and chicken salad too.

It is never a waste for left overs. You can even add in left over chicken for fried rice or ramen noodles!

thanks for sharing

May 22, 2016 at 2:51 pm

I sure missed Lemon chicken.

Used to order this chicken dish at local restaurant but a little pricey since the GST tax was implemented.

Hence, I will be hunting down for the recipe and try it out.

Fresh lemon juice mix with honey drizzle over fried chicken, that would be delicious and tasty


October 16, 2016 at 10:14 pm

I have a special cheesy chicken enchilada that I like to prepare several times a month. It tastes so cheesy and is so wonderful. My son has even learned how to make this and he is only 13. I also have a honey teriyaki chicken that I make. I get a little selfish when I cook this. I try to make sure no one else is around when I cook it so I can eat it all myself. It’s either good with rice or noodles.

Buffalo chicken wraps is another great thing I love to make at home. Sometimes I’ll add bbq sauce to it with the buffalo sauce and it changes the taste but it also enhances the flavor at the same time. My daughter thinks this is so yummy.

This is only a short list of what I do with my chicken. I buy a lot of chicken and cook it in many different ways.

October 17, 2016 at 12:12 pm

That photo you put it, its pinakbet, isn’t it? Anyway, I love chicken curry and fried chicken and probably I will name them because its the popular version of our recipe. But more than that I also love our local version which we call “pinikpikan”. It is a soup based chicken cut into tiny pieces including the internals and saute with fish sauce.