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November 4, 2016 at 2:54 pm

I have seen in most of the houses that uneducated women create troubles in every home through their useless and nonsense talking. We all must must know that there is a self ego in every man and woman thus through nonsense taking ego hurts and becomes a cannon of fire and thus fighting starts within a second.

LiteracyBase Pic

the parents are supposed to bring up the children carefully since childhood and along with I say every male and female must listen more and speak less the quarrel will end automatically. I think it is the fault of parents not of children.

What do you think about this GUYS?

November 4, 2016 at 6:21 pm

If I were you and I am so glad I’m not, I would tread very lightly on what you say about women, educated or not. It seems you have no respect for any woman and that is a pity. How dare you just assume that a woman is uneducated and is the one to always start mess. What does education have to do with that? Men like you are the problem. You have no clue what goes on anyone else’s home and you have no clue what they fight over. They could be fighting over the man’s cheating or over finances. So don’t just assume you know what is going on.

Yes, I am getting very upset by the things you are saying and it’s making other women on this site very upset. Your egotistical ways are not wanted here. So if I were you don’t talk about women on this site again.

November 4, 2016 at 6:30 pm

Well this will escalate quickly first @evilelf, now i’m waiting for miss @yourseldom. i feel like a disaster toerist *exited*.

But to answer your question/topic i don’t think just women are trouble educated or not. Even an educated man through books can be stupid. After all there are different kinds of smart.

November 4, 2016 at 7:27 pm

In my country most of the women do I say and write because in my country literacy rate is less than Western Countries. In eastern countries women are respected more than in Western countries. Keep in mind a broader concept of woman of the whole and culture you have western culture in your mind and leave other cultures of the world.

I have written reality no a fantasy as you think I write a fiction or any fake think. Roam the world and see with your own eyes what the uneducated women re doing at home just fighting and nothing else.

November 4, 2016 at 7:32 pm


No. Support asks who that writer who post against women is, I give them link to him.


November 4, 2016 at 7:33 pm

You say right man and women both are making problems for parents and societies in which we are living. I think it is the fault of education we are getting education just for job not for civilization and betterment of morality. People have forgot mortality and and old tradition.

What I see I write in my friend’s house I wondered looking at the whole scene at home for an hour.

I am fault less I do not say woman or man is a trouble for anyone but what is the reality?

November 4, 2016 at 7:59 pm

I am writing against any women but what I see I am writing is not my fault and the fault are those who misunderstood my writings. No one is against woman all respect women on earth but someone gets hurt from a woman he complains does not means woman is being disgraced or insulted.

I respect women because I am an issue of a woman how i disgrace any woman on earth.

November 4, 2016 at 8:07 pm

 jhsayyar How in the hell can you say Westerners don’t respect their women like Easterners. First of all, it’s the other way around. Women in the western part of the world are held with more respect. We do not go around killing our women over “honor” killings. That is not respect. How can you blame the education system when education should first start at home. Stop blaming others for things that are happening. Try living away from your parents for a little while and see how life truly is. What you see happen in your friend’s house doesn’t necessary happen in every house. Maybe you are the cause of their arguing. 

Keep in mind a broader concept of woman of the whole and culture you have western culture in your mind and leave other cultures of the world.

You can only speak for your household. You can not speak for every household in the world regardless of what part of the world they are in. Men keep women from getting an education. Why? So they can have something to use against her? So they can make her feel like she is a nobody? I have many friends in your country, Pakistan and none of them think the way you do. This shows me that it is only you that have a problem with women.

 Your Seldom it is good to see they are looking into it. All they have to do is come to the forum and read for themselves and they will see. 

 Itre I’m all for equal rights. I hate when someone talks bad about another group rather be male/female or race or religion or whatever. If I have an opinion about something then I will voice it in a respectful manner. But my buttons can be pushed to a limit. 

November 4, 2016 at 8:44 pm

@evilelf I think he do speak about his household because none of us omnipresent and can see other people life,  other than maybe  soup operas ( LOL).

For what I noticed today is that some of my comments exist in history but do not add up in my point total so I think that these discussion he made will not add to our points even if we reply to them. I am not sure. I will publish this answer and see if it adds points to my total.

**Edit:** Nope, points add just fine, maybe it was glitch on site or something., No idea…

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Your Seldom.

November 4, 2016 at 9:00 pm

I am talking about universal woman not modern or ancient woman nor western woman nor eastern woman….woman is a basic unit of our society, woman means I say construction and man means, i say, destruction. But you cannot deny bad women are present on earth cannot be respected any any cast at this point you will agree with me on this point.

Just as all friends are not invited for dinner, all are not invited for discuss matters, but some are invited at the hotels for tea and biscuits and some are invited happily at home for tea and biscuits.

The same way some women are respected and some women are ignored. Before uneducated woman respect is nothing but money, it is the  same case as a golden ring the swine nostrils.

November 16, 2016 at 7:43 pm

You know since woman was deceived by serpent to eat that fruit the said that their should not eat, know that God lay a cause on woman, and since then women have been facing difficulties in times of child bearing, God said that shall deliever in pain, again women are emotional being there was created high tension of emotion than man, also you can look at our society today women are victim of many things like crisis is occur women always victim of it, when there anywhere today women alwys the victim, they weak and they need to be protectd.

November 16, 2016 at 9:30 pm

Its easy for men who have no respect for women talk in disrespect about them. You talk as if women are to blame for all the wrong things in life or on this earth, let me put something very clearly here, if you want to say or speak something about women in a forum be specific, dont genearlize, because mot all women are the same as the ones in uour country. If you feel you have something against women have proof of what your saying dont just blubber. From i what i see everyday i find that some men are the actual reason as to why women change, the shouting and yhe fighying of words. A woman is wise enough not to just start blubbering without any reason. There is always something that triggers those reactions and th3y are usually not so good thats why they shout. Unlike men who pick on their women just to justify their actions. @jhsayyar i suggest if you have any hard feelings towards a woman think hard about what hou have dkne first before you blurt out stuff, it might just hit back at uou so hard. Women ar3 to be accorded th3 respect that they deserve.

November 17, 2016 at 4:14 pm

 @jhsayyar, It is wrong to say that women are trouble on earth. Women never had been tagged anywhere in the world as troublemakers.There are brave ladies, there are also coward. Those who create trouble may just want to clarify an issue or conflict.

Who usually leads the trouble not women, but men.Why? men are jealous type, discontented type, polygamous and weak in controlling their emotion of liking someone. Men are usually the root cause of war and fight in a home because they drink liquor, they like trouble that is why those international terrorists are mostly men and troublemakers.

Those women who like to talk and talk are just having their action found in the external part only not internal.

I strongly disagree that women are trouble makers, but men Women easily get afraid of trouble, liking peace and organized home.Women are vulnerable and easy to adjust.1503525_680856268703733_8473595461972256344_n

Image credit by Facebook

November 17, 2016 at 4:41 pm

You say right Cely that all women are not trouble on earth but women have performed many brave deeds on earth when last month on I received an order that Linda left his husband after one month of marriage. He asked me tell me she will come gains in my life of not/

Keeping in mind the story of Linda I write on this topic otherwise I respect women because woman is a positive force of nature as I have written an essay “I an not a Woman, I am Force of Nature” on LB I think you have not read my 3000 words essay.


JH Sayyar