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January 19, 2017 at 5:43 pm


January 23, 2017 at 12:02 pm

  • Well it’s really confusing but sometimes it’s good to open up and say the truth about a situation no matter how difficult it is.

When we talk about cheating it’s on the opposite sex but this fact should be recognized,some girls have in mind that they should not work that a man will marry them up and a man being the head must provide for them so with this mentality they go on cheating on their man just for money.Many dont plan of working,for example am here trying to raise some funds for myself at literacy base and my girl is out there sleeping with another guy for money.

You can easily win a woman’s heart either with money,position or fame,but with a man not so only in rare cases.

In my own opinion I think women cheat more than men.


February 1, 2017 at 11:06 am

For one i totally disagree with you on this one. I will openly say that men are double dealers and cheaters than women. We will find men do anything just to get a woman by their side. Its not a wonder to hear you say that women are more cheats than men. Let me say this when you find a woman cheating on her man she’s probably gone through so much to get to that point. The man must have betrayed her trust by being with another woman, or probably just sleeping around, always clubbing and forgets his responsibilities in the home. Others who are in marriages will obviously abscond from his duties of giving his wife her conjugal rights. So if a woman strays its because the man is not doing what hr should be doing. And its a known fact that men cheat left right and center whether they have a beautiful wife, or gets good food in the house and so on. So yes MEN ARE THE WORST CHEATS!.

February 17, 2017 at 2:48 am

It could be any gender

February 22, 2017 at 12:52 am

Cheating in relationship is basically not gender issue, it is an individual thing. Some time you find out that in a family a man is more irresponsible and cheats more while in another family the reverse is the case.

So, it could be man or woman.

February 22, 2017 at 6:53 am

It can be generalized since any sexes can do this. Perhaps men are more polygamous during the old days. But now, women and other sexes also do the same mistakes.

February 27, 2017 at 12:42 pm

Men are naturally polygamous. But I know not all men do the same.There are still few who are not like them. But I can say that most men are not contented with one girl. The more women they have, the more they feel that they are masculine. But then, it is said that men who are polygamous have lack of confidence about their masculinity. This is the reason why they keep on dating or having sex with different girls. That is  to prove that they are really a man.

I am not saying that women do not cheat. But I can say that men are more cheaters than women.

March 1, 2017 at 4:09 pm

I don’t think there is a specific gender that cheats more. It is more on their personality and how they feel than anything else.

March 1, 2017 at 4:39 pm

People who are not happy with their life cheat more. It could be any gender. If someone marries for money then they are going to cheat with their partner. If someone is not happy with their current relationship, then they are going to cheat more. Often we can’t make sure where things can be controlled.

March 6, 2017 at 12:08 pm

No, i am not agree with you .I think man cheats more than woman.One of my ex also cheated on me.One of my friend’s fiance also cheated on her.I have seen so many cases in always mans cheats.It is not means that women never cheats.They also cheats but men have already got that crown.

March 6, 2017 at 2:40 pm

It depends. If you are so close and real to your men or women, they would give you the love in return with full . Of course, disappointment and cheating sometimes unavoidable for both men and women. We should believe in others to cope with the life

March 7, 2017 at 4:21 pm

Human being are naturally polygamous. The concept of sticking to one person came after society formation. Even this is treated differently in different societies.
Now, coming to man and woman, if you think about the biology part then Man has to have more partners than women as sperm production rate is more, and also women takes 9 months to give birth. If man were like other animals where mating season is defined in particular months then single partner concept still was valid. But for human any time is mating time. So biologically there is nothing wrong for having multiple partners.Now it is society and your commitment to your’s partner, this is totally depends on person to person how they will handle it.

March 24, 2017 at 4:01 pm

This topic has being discuss in many platforms like this, but every one has his own views with regard to the subject matter.And every one respond based on his experience.
When it comes to the issue of cheating ladies cheat more

March 24, 2017 at 4:18 pm

I wouldn’t say men or women cheats more because I see cheating every day from both parties. I can say that people, in general, have this tendency to be unfaithful because they want to fill a void in their lives that can only be fulfilled by cheap thrills.

I know, one thing for sure, anybody who cheats has a problem. Maybe he or she is unable to talk or communicate well with a spouse or a partner. Maybe they have a simple misunderstanding that’s blown out of proportion. Maybe the partner who’s cheating feels unfulfilled, demands more attention, etc.

We can never know for sure.

I once saw a TED talk about infidelity.

It’s really eye-opening. And it makes you realize that cheating like any marital problems can be an avenue to a better relationship. I agree because we are all human. We are fallible and we sometimes don’t mean to hurt people we love but because the need is stronger we fell victim to our desires. I’m not saying it is okay to cheat because it never is alright to hurt your partner. What I am saying is, couples should know better.

There should always be a room for improvement in marriage. It’s supposed to be a two-way communication where the home is a safe place to be oneself, act silly, be happy, and feel content. I believe that sometimes as wives and husbands, we tend to forget the first rule of marriage – LOVE. We forget that love brought two people together and therefore should cherish one another for a long time. But what usually happens is when a couple gets married they forget to love each other then, in a few years they feel unhappy, unfulfilled and that’s when the cheating starts.

Equally, men and women are responsible for the well-being of their partnership. It hurts to act lovingly toward a partner who made a mistake but you are not there to judge, reprimand or be angry. As a partner, you are there to inspire, to support, to care and to help the other be the best.

I think, if we all listen to our partners, learn to fully accept them as they are, communicate to them openly what we want then they wouldn’t cheat on us. They will respect us. Because cheating is the lack of respect.

I don’t know, I guess I am just too idealistic when it comes to marriage.


March 27, 2017 at 1:47 pm

what do ladies give when it comes to love or relationship.they give nothing they are always at the receiving side