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September 17, 2016 at 3:51 pm

My boyfriend keeps telling me that I exaggerate because at least with my mother I speak every day. He also tells me that I’m acting like a child even if I’m almost 30 years old. But I can’t help it since we’re apart and I miss her. This is why I love hearing her voice

September 26, 2016 at 12:20 am

No one should have the right to tell you how long you should take before you call your mum or dad, no one has a right to tell you when call your parents and no one has a right to call you names because you miss your mum. I mean parents are out back bones of we don’t talk to them oftenly then who should we talk to? They are the reason as to why we are where we are. I remember my fiancee telling me that I talk for long hours with my mum, and all I said is that she is my mum and I get a lot of pleasure just talking to her. Unlike you be feels that being that close is good what he doesn’t understand is what do we talk about for so long? Hahaha but anyway it’s good for your boyfriend to know that your mother is your best friend then he follows. But of course you cannot put him aside to spend more time with your mum

September 26, 2016 at 5:29 am


my friend, you are not married yet, your bf is already controlling you.

But honestly, how often you want to call your parents depend on your mutual understanding between your bf and you.


When I married 22 years ago, I missed my parents too , very much.

However, calling them everyday means you are clinging on them , you will not be able to face independence on your own as an adult.

Try this way, call them once a week, have a good talk for 30min to 1 hr.

Then 2 weeks once.

Gradually, you will get used to it and your bf is happy.

This is what I did, my parents looked forward to my call.

September 26, 2016 at 7:36 am

I do encourage you that you get more quality, uplifting talks with your mother.  If your boyfriend can’t honor your mother, how is it possible that he will honor and respect you once you bear your and his children as your children’s mother?



September 26, 2016 at 10:59 am

Your boyfriend is wrong about his perspective about family. You are right, you should call your parents every day: once a day, twice a day or thrice a day. What is important is how you make feel you parents how caring you are to them. Your voice is more than anything to make them happy.

September 26, 2016 at 11:13 pm

you’re right my friend. and I would hate it if he ever were to put me in the position in which I would have to chose between him and my mother…because I would definitely go for her. I mean he could leave me tomorrow but my mother is going to be there for me for as long as she lives…and the same goes for me

September 26, 2016 at 11:14 pm

I guess he doesn’t understand the connection we have because he has never been close to his parents. anyway it’s not like I’m going to act different when it comes to my parents due to what he thinks about our connection

September 26, 2016 at 11:16 pm

I feel that parents are the most important people in one’s life. they are going to be there for us for as long as they live

September 27, 2016 at 3:03 am

Mother child bond doesn’t depend up on age of both .instead this bond grows stronger and stronger as they grow old .Children remain the same young little ones for their parents always but if your boyfriend doesn’t like the way you remember your mother avoid discussing her all the times especially before him .you can call her in his absence and do the video chat with your mother it will ease you up

October 15, 2016 at 10:55 am

There is nothing wrong with speaking to your parents’ on a daily basis.

October 15, 2016 at 2:09 pm

I think there is nothing wrong talking to your parents daily if you have ample time t do t likewise your mom. In my case, when i was far away with my family, I only call them Skype to Skype chat every weekend.There is excitement and thrill. They also do not lime me to call daily heheheeh because they have lots of works and they also watch TV.