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May 6, 2016 at 9:43 am

I would like to have 3 or 4 kids. That’s what my partner and I wanted in the future. It’s a lot but I bet it will be worth it

May 6, 2016 at 5:21 pm

@slayer08 Actually I never think 3 or 4 kids are a lot, though many people nowadays think that. I am thinking of that too. I am going to have my third child soon, but I am not sure about the fourth, due to my age.

My advice is if you would like to have more kids, perhaps you have to plan for when you want to have your first child, and the age gap between the children. Of course, you can just follow the flow and not to plan for it. It’s just because I would like to plan, and have a bigger age gap (3 years) between the children, so I can focus on each child, and also I would like to breastfeed my children for at least 2 years. I gave birth to my first child when I was 30, I think it’s a bit too old. After that, I always advised my friends if they think they are stable in the relationship and ready to have kids, perhaps it’s good to start young, especially if you want to have more kids.

That’s just my thought. šŸ™‚

May 6, 2016 at 5:34 pm

@Lee Ka that’s what we did, we planned to limit our children to two but as the fate would have it our plan misfired on us. When my second child, a boy left us at the age of 4 months we had no option left. We Ā feel so sorry for him but we are thankful for what we have.

May 6, 2016 at 5:43 pm

@sunil It’s truly sad to hear that. But, I guess we just have to accept what God gives us and be thankful for what we have too. My baby is having higher risk for down syndrome, I was really sad when I heard this news, but then after I have calmed down, I think this is a precious gift to me, no matter how he is, I am still thankful for him.

I think I learned this from Dr Wayne, everything happens for a reason.

May 6, 2016 at 9:12 pm

I have also had my babies by C-section. I had to have one with my first because I was having problems with my blood pressure and after being induced twice which did not work, my doctor felt it was necessary to get her out. So my second baby had to be by C-section since my doctor did not do vaginal births after C-section. Not how I planned to have children, but they are healthy and I am glad that I have them.

May 6, 2016 at 9:21 pm

I am sorry about your loss. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, but it is not something that I talk to much about. I had a hard time after it happened because I did not know anyone who went through it and that made me feel alone. It is not easy to explain the feeling to someone who has not gone through it.

May 7, 2016 at 1:29 am

@morgoodie Yes, I agree with you, though the c-sections were not planned, as long as the children are healthy and well, we are happy. That’s why I chose to have c-section as well, as I didn’t want to take the risk after trying hard for quite some time and my first child still couldn’t get out. Though many of my friends have commented I should keep trying after my baby was born, I just ignored them. I did not want to risk my baby’s life and mine too. Sometimes it’s just difficult to explain to someone when they are in the situation.

My doctor advised me to try vaginal birth on my second one, but if it’s over due date, and the baby still did not want to come out, then I have to go through the c-section again too. For the third one, the doctors have already said, it must be a c-section.

Sorry for your loss. It’s definitely very hard for a mother and the family. Like what suny said, let’s be thankful for what we have.

September 1, 2016 at 2:50 pm

At the moment i don’t have any kids but i would like to have two kids, if i had a choice i would want to have a boy and a girl., but it’s not for us to say its God’s will to give us kids and what sexes they should be. I must say having four kids and they are all boys is no joke. that’s a challenging job but when God gives he knows how you will take care of them.

September 28, 2016 at 10:54 pm

i have 3 kits. My oldest is 9. My middle is a girl and shes 6 and my youngest will be 5. Ā 3 is hard sometimes but its worth it. Yes you are outnumbered children to paents but if you spread the attention its not to hard

September 28, 2016 at 11:17 pm

I have two girls, ages 20 and 17 and two boys, ages 16 and 13. I also have an angel baby that would have been about 8 or 9. I don’t know the sex of that baby since I was only 6 weeks when I lost it. It’s always hard losing a baby no matter when.

Do I want more children? Maybe. I guess I’m at the age where I’m ready to do things without having something hold me back. I love being able to come and go as I please now. The kids I have are great.

October 15, 2016 at 10:57 am

Hello Lee Ka! It’s me, Michelle from myLot. I joined with your referral a while ago, but never started using this site until yesterday/today.

As far as answering yourĀ discussion topic:

No kids yet! But ideally I’d like two – but let’s see how one goes.. when I have one.


October 15, 2016 at 11:23 am

I have 5 children and I think this is fair enough for me. I have a very happy and hyper family and though my kids are quarreling sometimes, I think its a exhilarating happy family I have.

October 15, 2016 at 3:40 pm

Seems like evryone here has kids except for me being the odd one out, but am hoping that one of this days I will be e me a child and be called a mum as well. I would like to have 2 kids and said them as a good mum would do. A bit and a girl will do just fine. Sometimes I freak out about twins but it’s all about God and what he plans for us, so I will wait.