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May 5, 2016 at 3:37 pm

I have two children now, and one is coming soon in end of this month. I always want to have three children, and sometimes I am thinking it’d be nice to have four too. The more, the merrier.

Some of my friends think three children is too many, they’d prefer either one or two.

How about you?

May 5, 2016 at 4:55 pm

I got 4 boys! Lol Yup! It’s a real huge responsobility to have all four of them. Honestly, all pregnancies were not planned but of course, I love them just the same.

It’s a challenge to be a mom of four, but slowly, kids are growing up and I can do other things. My eldest is turning 23 yrs old this year and is taking up Law. Of course, I am proud of him!

May 5, 2016 at 5:01 pm

@jentleheart 4 boys! I can’t imagine how busy you were when they were young, and how challenging it could be. But I agree with you, when children are growing up, we seem to have more time for ourselves as they learned to take care of themselves and others too.

It’s so nice to see our children growing up, isn’t it? I am sure you are very proud of your eldest son. He is not only a grown up, but I am sure he’s doing really well. How old is your youngest?

May 5, 2016 at 5:09 pm

My youngest is turning 12 this September.

It was both a challenge and huge sacrifice to be their mom because I opt to take care of them myself than rely on a nanny. Although my eldest and youngest had their own nanny for some time, still I preferred to be the sole care giver to my children. It gives md more peace of mind.

And you very well know that being a stay at home mom means having lesser means to provide but good thing that my parents and in laws are able to help.

May 5, 2016 at 5:26 pm

I have 2 kids, a teenager and a 9 year old boy.


I can’t imagine having 3 kids, those 2 are breaking my back , noisy with screaming at each other and “mommy, you see , who and who did this and that….”



May 5, 2016 at 5:46 pm

@jentleheart Yes, I think it’s challenging for every mother, and it’s even more challenging when we want to take care of the children on our own and still need to work from home. But, I have really been learning a lot for being a mother, not only learning about parenting, but my children really help me to grow in my own personal path. I am really thankful for them, though I am still not the joyful and peaceful mom that I want to be yet.

@peachpurple I have two kids now, 7 and 4. I always think it might be easier to take care of 3, rather than 2, especially when the youngest is still a baby. My third baby is coming soon, and now my two children can play on their own well, so I don’t need to worry too much about them. Of course, once in a while, you will hear some “complaints” from someone, mostly from my little girl.

But of course, all kids are so unique and different. ^_^

May 5, 2016 at 6:49 pm

I want to have four children because I don’t like odd numbers, haha! I ended up with two boys and one girl. I had my youngest son when I was already 40 and it wasn’t fun being scared out of my mind by all the physicians. If it was up to me, I would have another if I could, just so I would have four 🙂

May 5, 2016 at 10:15 pm

I love to have twins or maybe one boy and one girl. I love to have a boy because I want him to look like my husband. If it is a girl, I would love her to look like my mini-me. I want my husband to have his mini-me so I love to have a boy too. However, I am not getting married yet and do no have a plan as of the moment. I just had a heartbreak recently and nope, I am not looking forward to being in a relationship at this moment. But of course, if God wants me to have babies I really want to have twins though I know how hard for them to bear.

May 5, 2016 at 10:21 pm

I have one daughter and she will be the only one for us. We had decided to have two but unfortunately the second one did not survive for long. I am happy and proud with what God gave to us.

May 6, 2016 at 12:08 am

@IcyBC  That’s a good reason for having even number. 😀

Actually I have been considering of having four children since my second child was born. I just think it’s a blessing to have children, and I am happy to spend time with them and see them playing along with each other. I am 37 years old now, and my third child is going to join us very soon. If I’d like to have the fourth child, then I might be 40 years old already. I am not sure whether my body can take it, as I feel tired and uneasy during the pregnancy. Also, there might be higher risk for pregnancy who is over 40 years old as well. Moreover my baby is having higher risk for down syndrome now, so I can’t think too much and far beyond this. Well, let’s see how it goes. Anyway, I will have to learn to take care of three children first. It might not be easy at the beginning. 😀

I will be having two boys and one girl too.

Grecy Sorry to hear that, but it’s good that you are moving forward. I believe God is having a good plan for you. When I read you saying of having twins, in my mind I was thinking, it’s really hard to take care of two babies at the same time. But, of course, I believe parents are just very powerful, they will just learn how to no matter how hard it is. ^_^

I have a boy and a girl now, I think my son’s personality is more like me, and my daughter is more like my husband. I am very happy with that! 😀

suny I am sorry for that. Yes, all children are our precious gifts. I am happy that you are proud of what God gave you. How old is your daughter now?

May 6, 2016 at 12:09 am

I have three boys!!  But most of my grandchildren are girls!! 😉  In fact one granddaughter is named a name that if I would have had a girl I would have named…Destiny!!!

May 6, 2016 at 12:51 am

JoDee I am always happy to see someone who is already a grandfather or grandmother. I just think it’s really sweet and lovely to have grandchildren. Of course being a mother is wonderful, but I think being a grandmother is just so great. 😀

It’s really nice that you have a granddaughter who has the name that you would like to name. Did you tell that to your son, or is it just a coincidence?

May 6, 2016 at 1:28 am

I have a 10 year old girl and a 9 year old boy. When I was younger, I always dreamed of having 4 kids, but now that I am wiser I have decided that these 2 are enough for me. They are a treasure to have most of the time, but as you know children have their moments of not being quite the angels you try to raise. They are a lot of work, but I love them to pieces and I am so proud to be their mom. They are growing fast and that makes be both happy and sad at the same time.

May 6, 2016 at 8:45 am

I have four kids: three girls and a boy. We always wanted to have a big family, and actually had five pregnancies. I lost the second to last one early in the pregnancy. After the littlest was born, I decided my body had taken enough….

May 6, 2016 at 9:41 am

@morgoodie Yes, I do agree that there are many challenges and learning for parents to bring up the children. That’s why we plan to have a bigger age gap between the children, so we can spend more time with each child, and also wait until the youngest is older and more independent, then only we consider having a baby. I guess this will be easier for the children and parents as well.

Now that my children are 7 and 4 years old, they always said they want to take care of the baby soon. I believe they will do so, as my elder son took care of my little girl when she was born and still a baby too. Now, he is always taking care of the little sister as well, thought there are fighting or arguments sometimes. 😀

@Kyla I am sorry for your loss. I like to have big family too. I just think it’s really merry at home when there are children around. Moreover, I like to see how children interact with each other, they are just so sweet. How old were you when your youngest was born?

I have all my labors C-section, forced to, so I can only have three or four babies, but the doctor already told me my body will not be as good if I have gone through the surgery.