Author Posts

November 13, 2016 at 9:58 am

Human nature is crystal and clear like an azure stream, every one can see in the bottom pearls making bill and coo among self. When doubts occupy human mind first faith leaves man, after this, trust in God leaves man and fear of God do not effect human mind, he becomes at large in all his doings as a lion in the jungle does what it wants.

There is nothing makes a man suspect much, more than to know little; and therefore men should remedy suspicion, by procuring to know more, and not to keep their suspicions in smother.  if someone finds you once suspected, will never be true and he will lose trust in you will defame you among the people, is a very dangerous things for mind and soul.

To remedy doubts, you must increase knowledge more reading good books available in the markets as the holy books, but we do not read and fall in the kingdom of doubt, the kingdom of Satan has made for man on earth.