Author Posts

November 14, 2016 at 9:42 am

Philosophers say that boldness is a child of ignorance and baseness, far inferior to other parts, the superior part of nature if forgiveness, is also the part of God and His Prophets. Boldness is essential to fight with evils of heart not with men and women on trivial things or deeds at home and out of home. 

Always fight for honor, real honor not for fake honor keeping in mind jealousy and greed. Most of the people fight for money and wealth are foolish because money will end with your death but good deeds will remain on earth till the Doomsday.

Bold people must fight for good deeds not for evil deeds, and some people fight for ego is dangerous for human being and society as well. Satan fights for evils on earth and wise men fight for goodness on earth. It is the real fight we all must fight for the betterment of human beings to restore peace on earth.