Author Posts

March 25, 2017 at 3:47 am

March 25, 2017 at 12:16 pm

I think some of the time we have to be spiritual even if we are strong. Not because we are getting weak. Because we have to let some direction for our strong. And that is what going to make us be content when we are weak. So being strong and weak is a phase of life. And we don’t have to mix that with spirituality. Because spirituality has effect on both weak and strong phase of life. As it teaches how to be humble and good with our life. That is indeed a good thing about the life approached with spirituality.

March 25, 2017 at 1:22 pm

yes. One should have spirituality and practice it. But, what is this spirituality? It puts many under confusion. Leading a disciplined life, sitting before the Almighty and praise him? Doesn’t he know what we are actually? Spirituality is only a state without any ambitions. It is the state which one gets after a lot of practice. Just wearing white clothes, preaching something impractical and irrelevant, but doing the things which are totally against what that has been preached can not be accepted as spirituality. I think so.  Of course, people may differ in their opinion.