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September 28, 2016 at 12:33 pm

Maybe the question is, how to become a member with a higher level than a ‘newbie’? I have seen lots of active members here and yet their levels are still newbie?

I know we all started at this level but I just want to know how to step to the next level. How many articles do you need to post? How many forums do you need to make? How many replies?

Just curious, anyway.

September 28, 2016 at 12:46 pm

@ SuperD  Well that tag is I guess on all members . Not sure though. It is suitable for me as I think I am still not that active on this site and doing okay so far. But I have seen that same tag on members who are quite active here. So no complains from my side. Lol..  I don’t think on this site I have found any page which explains about this thing so far. I mean what it needed to change that status, either more posts on forum or more blogs overall on site.

September 28, 2016 at 12:54 pm


Yeah, no complain about the status. As I have said, its just curiosity about this matter. Me too, I have not seen a page mentioning about the status of the members. That is why I decided to have this in forum, maybe some of the members who already level up or not yet change from newbie can have an idea what is next to our level now. And yes, if there is certain goal we need to fulfill before moving up to the next level. That would be lovely to do.

September 28, 2016 at 2:00 pm

@SuperD  Well, even I would like to know about it if there is any way. As I said many active members  are with same tag which are doing really great. So I think this thing is yet not implemented or something like that.

September 28, 2016 at 5:48 pm

The question is what is th3 next title yet one is supposed to be given anyway. I asked this question a couple of months back but I really didn’t get the answer that I was looking for just like you. From all the members I have seen posting on this site there is no other title that I have seen someone having other than the newbie. So I guess that’s just a name for everyone who is here.

September 28, 2016 at 6:34 pm

This should be an interesting waiting. Many of us are eager to know what is next but no one really know what will it be. Of course only the admin should know the answer but its not yet reveal. If you have posted the same discussion and you got no answer. Of course there will be other members who will post the same question. Maybe it will be posted until the right answer come.

I just hope its in this post.

September 28, 2016 at 6:38 pm

Lets just hope it worth the wait. Maybe it will be a good thing to know though the question is still hanging… when.

All of us here are still newbie…. well, anyway, LB is not yet that old enough, like us it is still newbie comparing to other sites who have been here for a long time.

October 1, 2016 at 2:09 pm

I have been very curious about this but i have more curiosity about how it works here because there is not much guidelines. I am getting discouraged because i see people write what they earn but for the last one month, i have not earn up to a dollar. So i am wondering what am i not doing right or am i missing something? Is it because i am still new? Or i don’t share in the right media or rather don’t know where to share?

October 1, 2016 at 7:59 pm

nobody knows yet, everyone here is still under newbie, even though I had been here since july 2016, still a newbie

October 2, 2016 at 5:28 pm

FYI, if you write 7 articles with 300 words for literacy base  per day that would be more than one dollar per day. If you comment long paragraphs that would be bonus on your earnings. Maybe this guide can help you and inform you why others keep on redeeming and you are not.

BTW, I did not yet experience redeeming here but I hope I can make it this month especially that I am going near the minimum payout. Maybe we could belong for the month of October.

October 2, 2016 at 5:35 pm

We are all excited to know what is next after ‘newbie’, maybe after a year of us here we will be level up. The curiosity keeping us excited to wait and know what will be next.