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June 9, 2016 at 5:59 am

@bestwriter  That’s what I am thinking now. It does not make sense. Maybe they do not know what time it is in the US. Lol  Oh well I guess as long as they pay us that is all that matters, right? I mean I guess it does not matter but why not say where they actually are. I guess we will find out in a couple of days though.

June 9, 2016 at 6:52 am

I will find that out in some other way and get back here.

June 9, 2016 at 10:25 am


OK, right now I had just posted a lengthy comment.

Malaysia time: 1.20pm

My History time: 10.16am

But when I check on Google search what is USA time right now, it stated:

1.21am (chicago)

11.21 pm (denver)

10.21 pm ( chicago)

So, it should be 12 hours differences if it is in USA, is it?

But the time stated 2 hours apart, maybe you are right, it is in India.

I just check India time now: 10.53am!!!

Litearcy base in India ???

Somebody changed the time here?

Yes, I also noticed that most posts are published at 7pm-10pm under LB time



June 9, 2016 at 10:32 am

@morgoodie I really like not springing forward and falling back anymore! We’re in the one town hereabouts that doesn’t do DST. But that means when we go for appointments in a neighbouring town, we have to convert in summer! Also, a lot of people here don’t know how to talk about the time zones, and many online calendars and mobile phone providers don’t have a setting to shut off the automatic DST. So when we use them, we have to select a different time zone for half the year.

Also, a lot of people here don’t know how to talk about the time zones, and many online calendars and mobile phone providers don’t have a setting to shut off the automatic DST. So when we use them, we have to select a different time zone for half the year. That can & does sometimes reset appointments that are saved, so we end up having to call and confirm if the time we have is right.

It would be great if everyone just stopped the “daylight savings” silliness. You can’t hold sunset with your clock, or make the daylight hours longer…


@bestwriter My understanding is the staff are located in Asia (perhaps Pakistan, as Rapid Blue suggested.) The site is hosted on servers in the US – if I understood correctly.

June 9, 2016 at 11:00 am

@peachpurple It sounds to me like the staff is living somewhere in Asia, and probably working a day job. That might explain why many times there are long gaps of time when we get no response from staff.

June 9, 2016 at 2:04 pm

The support has clarified it thaet the US time zone is followed by the sit. However I guess the timezone does not affect our earnings so it does not make much of a difference for me.

June 9, 2016 at 7:18 pm


yes, I have the same feeling as you had, one of them is staying in Asian country, although it is stated that the time zone is as according to US.


Anyway, as long as they do published out posts on time, I am happy.

Yup, there is a big silence in between the time zone of you and me.

By now, I will be sleeping while you will be awake.

What about admin? Sleeping or awake?

June 9, 2016 at 7:19 pm

@ruby3881 I agree. Leave things as they are supposed to be. It is silly because not all the states in the EST zone adhere to the DST. So it can be a little confusing. Not to mention it throws a wrench in the natural order of things when you have to spring forward. Who likes to lose an hour of sleep? Not me that is for sure. Lol  I didn’t realize that parts of Canada did this too. Nice to learn new things every day.

June 9, 2016 at 10:44 pm

@manasi The support staff is wrong about the time zone. It’s simply impossible the time is set to coincide with any of the US time zones.

I don’t worry much about the timestamps on my history, except in terms of things like deadlines for redemption. But it is good to know, if there isn’t going to be 24-hour support for the site, when the staff members are available to deal with problems and answer questions.

Since there seem to be only two staff members on the site and they seem only to be available a few hours at a time, it has become easy for abuse to be posted in the forum. When users try to report, it can be a very long time before anything is done. So it’s natural to wonder where the staff members are located, and when is the best time to reach them.

June 9, 2016 at 10:58 pm

@morgoodie Daylight savings was originally intended to be a temporary measure during wartime. I think it’s about time we all stopped doing it! Maybe then we could do away with income tax too! That was a wartime measure, as well 😛