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Quality Standards on LiteracyBase: I Look Forward to Working With 'Edit'
Author | Posts |
I appreciate LB’s editorial team. They are professionals and they stick to the ethics of Journalism. I had a blog submitted, both to TinyCent with 213 words, and the same theme with 300+ words on LB. It didn’t pass approval because I plagiarized myself. I wish that Edit will come to my rescue. I’m lost without it.
Hi, LB friends! Have you had issues with submissions? How about with rejections? Do you easily give up? Or do you write better, very well-proofed post the next time before submitting to avoid another embarrasment?
A lot of times one misses an error. I have. So being able to go back and patch should be allowed. |
@ WHYZ’DAT? A few of my posts have been rejected here because of plagiarised content but they got approved and published on another writing site! |
I have yet to write anything on this site but I believe they make sure we can not edit our articles in case someone wants to delete them without notice. I know it sounds crazy but I have seen people do this before thinking they were being smart but ended up hurting themselves in the long run. I have a program that helps me while I type so I know if something is off I will be alerted before pressing send. |
I was making fun of myself about, “I plagiarized myself”. I fact-check myself first with Google’s Plagiarism Check before I press “Submit”. My content are always “Unique” and “0% Plagiarized”. Meaning, I make sure that I “sweat and think harder” with research, originality and relevance on my content before I blog. Anyway, I see LiteraryBase’s point of view. And they’ve gained my respect.
The new editing aps are pretty helpful in gauging how many words and the title and hopefully the edit will rescue me. |
Yes I can also see that when submitting posts, we can now also add tags, which can help in social media share. |
I had experienced in other site but not here. I was also planning to delete all my posts in TinyCent if they will not pay me this week. |
I am so in favor of this suggestion. How I wish to have that edit button so we can easily edit our article if it needed too. Sometimes we need to replenish also the articles we have written but when it is already in the ‘waiting approval’ we cannot edit them. I guess, the admin may consider this suggestion. |
I am one with you guys on the edit functionality! How I wish it’s available soon. There are times when I realized that I submitted an article with a wrong title and would’ve been so easy to rectify had the edit button available for use! |
LiteracyBase is one of the best sites that it checks material original of cheated that is why it takes a long time to check but up till now my no post was rejected because I write genuine article with new ideas and meaningful working words easy to understand but most of the people write cheated material in article thus Plagiarism Software detects the cheated material anon. I request the writers to write any article original and with new ideas but it is a boring and hard work and most of the they have no skill to write they are sitting on internet just to make money with the help of cheated materials. Always write fresh article with new ideas but it must be original not cheated it s most dangerous for human intelligence and wisdom and after a short time will leave working on creative process in practical field. I know cheaters are more and creative writers are less. Creation is very difficult for the younger it is a gift of God for men awarded by God on birth in semblance of good angles that live in human brain cause new articles with new ideas and functional words. JH Sayyar |
Now LiteracyBase has enabled its editing function after an article is submitted for approval. Have you not noticed that this facility is available a minute after we submit our reaction or comment? Since I have just comeback from a busy time I have had with my work, this is what I have observed while I submit my latest blog post. However, after it is submitted, we can no longer edit it for it is already waiting for approval. |
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