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October 12, 2016 at 6:30 pm

I have often wondered about the same thing when the payments are made and when people request for the payments. If am not wrong the requests are usually made at the end of every month? Or am I wrong if someone can clarify that for me i will be very greatful. I have never requested or received any payments yet from this site so am learning from your posts.

October 12, 2016 at 10:21 pm

@bestwriter   @lovern @cessy08 Congratulations everyone. I will hopefully request my first payment this month and I hope I get paid promptly too. 

October 13, 2016 at 1:43 am

Here in America 10/10 was a holiday and all banks were closed. Maybe the banks where the owner of LB was also closed for some reason. We have to have patience when it comes to getting paid.

October 13, 2016 at 4:32 pm

@superd, It’ my pleasure to to tell you that I received my pay here first time.I hope you too soon. I see and read your posts that are approved, so what you need if keep on discussig here at forum, then make your discussion longer to have better pay. That is what I observed on my posts. If discuss short sentences the payment is too small, so after the time that I write longer, my income moves.

October 13, 2016 at 4:36 pm

@dawnwriter, I thought you already received series of payments here. This is also my first claim because I had some doubts before of my pay pal matching with my yahoo mail, after it was resolved, I double my time. This time, I am composing many blogs , so I can post daily next week, no this week, too busy at work.Take care my freind.It seems we are still in BlogJob for we still meet here.Smile!

October 13, 2016 at 4:49 pm

@cely There are others here who have received payment. As usual you ignore some and pay attention to some Why do you do this?

October 13, 2016 at 4:52 pm

@Anitah Gimase

You can redeem anytime you reach 10 dollars or more but you will be paid in the following month on the 10th or later.

October 13, 2016 at 4:54 pm

@dawnwriter You are a prolific writer and I wonder why you could not reach payout here so far.

October 13, 2016 at 10:28 pm

@bestwriter I have become fat, old and lazy in my old age…hehe.

Thanks for the compliment 🙂 The truth is after Blogjob, Persona Paper and some other sites rolled up, I just lost all interest in writing online. I visited this site often especially the forums to keep in touch with all my friends but somehow could not motivate myself to write for about 6-8 months.

But now I am feeling refreshed and want to start writing again. I tried BlogBourne too so I was split between two sites. I guess now I will be more active here and hope to reach payment threshold at least once every month starting with October, InshaAllah (God willing)

October 14, 2016 at 4:24 am

@dawnwriter Now that you have opened up the floodgates I bet writing will just flow

October 14, 2016 at 6:32 pm

I am so happy to have received my pay the other day. I will be doubling my time now answering and creating topics in forum because I do not have available blogs. I am so busy this time, busy like a carabao that always plows the field. I hope to redeem at LB every month. Actually, before that error 404 occurred, I had started to draft a blog, there goes the draft went away swift by that killer error 404.

I hope every one of us here will have much to earn here in the coming days.

Thanks for reading friends.

October 16, 2016 at 8:20 pm

@lovern I believe that payday on Literacy Base is 10th in the month. I will wait and see if I somehow by miracle and God’s blessings achieve that distant goal. As expected I have very low point value so I don’t amuse myself thinking I will reach my payment. maybe I reach it in two moths. I am also not convinced in my writing skills and with being at work, I was not even trying to write in Literacy Base.
But. Now I am on my sick leave. It starts to look like it is a boredom leave as I am not so sick but then again I am not allowed to go back to work. I will have to wait another week to improve my health and in that time only I can write more. After I will be more tired and again no activity enough for this website thing and writing.

October 17, 2016 at 4:08 pm

@cessy08, Hi? May I know if your already received your payment here. I hope you have received , so the more others will be encouraged to write and remain active.Please write it under discussion for the benefits of some who are also excited to redeemed soon.

I already had withdrawn mine together with the other accumulated inco9me that reaches to $550.

Thanks for reading.

October 17, 2016 at 6:45 pm

@lovern I am still to receive my first payment, but date others are giving out about Literacy is around 10th in the month for previous month, yes? I hope I right and I keep on going and make 10 dollars still end this month. I may be bad in grammar and style, but I am very stubborn.
I think My lot has different pay date than Literacy Base. They are before 15th in the moth. I think you are correct because my pay came around that date. I think it is no doubt that we will be paid in Literacy Base. I hear only good and supportive news about pay in here.
It is the good and reassuring change in comparison to other catastrophe web site.
I am not sure who you talk about, who are ladies who you mention but it shall be nice they come and we have all nice discussion in here, yes?

October 18, 2016 at 3:05 am

@cely yes, I received payment the next day after I sent a message to support. I even wrote an article to tell about my experience.