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March 6, 2017 at 9:53 pm

I find Technology to be the most important thing in making a city a Smart City.Things like Roads, waste management system, healthcare facilities are all important for a city to declared Smart. But what differs a Smart City from a regular city is the technology.

March 6, 2017 at 10:33 pm

I think what counts as a smart city is different country. For example some require healthcare, jobs, light, water and greenery around as a mandatory. But some of the smart city may not be able to do that. I guess that is what makes the difference. People need to see what makes a smart city and what does not qualify for one. I am sure as time goes on the requirement and the type of smart city people demand will be lot different.That being said, there are some countries which are better to be approached as they have better plans.

March 7, 2017 at 9:30 am

For me traffic management and good roads,better health facilities,good education system,waste management,good water supply system,play grounds and parks,libraries are very important to make a city smart city.

March 7, 2017 at 9:47 am

converting a city into smart city need several analysis. First of all, any government interested in this project should work closely with the public and have to understand their likes and dislikes. If it is done properly, smart city would bring smart people

March 8, 2017 at 4:50 pm

@redspdranger I agree. However, one does needs traditional traits like intelligence, hard work and persistence to implement things like Smart waste management, Effective water management, Rain water harvesting etc.
But yes, technology can be a key diffrentiator.

March 9, 2017 at 1:15 pm

A Smart City will have with more thrust on Information Technology. The city will have more internet facilities combining various data for the use of its population. The transport, energy, healthcare, Revenue collection, Banking, Land information, Assets everything are managed by a click of a computer button.

One need not stand in a long queue for payment of challans, for Cinema tickets, for payment of bills towards electricity, Municipality, Medicines etc., everything can be done with the help of APPs.

One need not wait for taxi and go walking to the main road. Just using an APP one can get a taxi to his residence which picks him up and drops him also.  The Bus tickets, Train Tickets, can be purchased staying at home and they can be booked also. Touring to various places is not felt difficult at all. The travel agencies with all full details will be available to render their service through their various online packages.