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February 15, 2017 at 9:20 am

Increasingly it is very difficult to make money online, as the advertising rates have decline drastically and large companies in India are openly involved in corporate espionage, blocking payment, closing the account, so interested in diversifying offline as spending time online has become a waste of both time and money.
Does anyone have any experience in selling plants, seeds, for making some extra money in their free time or knows anyone who is making money selling the plants . If yes, what are the plants which are being sold, how much are you selling the plants for , and how do you find customers for the plants which are being sold.
There are some individuals who are selling plants on ebay in India like aloe vera, however their prices are higher compared to local purchases, because of the shipping charges . Have you tried selling any plant online or know anyone who is selling their plants online . Which are the plants which can be sent over large distances without being damaged

February 15, 2017 at 8:06 pm

I have tried this business two years back. But, I found it not a fetching one. But, I have seen many people purchasing plants both in winter and summer seasons. Most of the plants sold were Roses, Bogan Villa, Mango, Coconut, Jasmine, Mandara (all colors) (hibiscus). They are preferring to purchase them on the roadside itself along with some fertilizers and some seeds also. They are purchasing even the water cans also for watering the plants. After, seeing the business I have dropped the idea of selling plants online. Of course, this is happening in India only. Moreover, the price of all flower plants starts from Rs.75/- . The coconut and mango plants will cost Rs.250/-. We can not supply plants in such prices.

February 15, 2017 at 8:45 pm

I can’t really say that doing online work is a total waste of time because i earn from it. As much as i may get some little money out of it, thats fine with me. Given that i am able to get something however small. Back in the years i have been able to put the money that i have made to good use. It has been a lot of help so far and so i dont take advantage of it.
Though i remember back in th3 days when we didn’t hqv3 computers everywhere. My dad used to sell trees for timber and also sold different types of tree seedlings to people who were building and so they needed the trees fo4 shade in their compounds and others for beautifying their compounds. That fetched him some really good money. Though when he passed away that dream died with him. No one took it up after him. Nowadays i wish i did take over brokeness would be a thing o the past. But i do agree that it can fetch someone aome really good money.

February 16, 2017 at 3:21 am

It is a good suggestion. One can sell trees and seedlings and gets paid well.

February 17, 2017 at 5:30 pm

I think this is something nice to be explored, and plants like AloeVera, Giloy(I will have to check its English name), Tulsi etc will be in good demand.

February 24, 2017 at 10:43 pm

Good luck hope you have lots of success with your new business. I know what you mean about earning online.