Author Posts

October 28, 2016 at 9:15 pm

Have you ever been in a business partnership with a close person? I have noticed that every so often people who are in partnerships with their families often have arguments over money or commissions. How would you deal with something like this. For example your in a business together then you happen to be having a higher percentage in the ownership in terms of money, but when soething comes up the other partner refuses tchip in financially because they feel that their side is not gaining much and that you should be the one to chip in more because you have a higher share is that really fair in the business? We are in this together if your side is nit yielding them its probably because your not doing much should that be my concern really?

October 28, 2016 at 11:08 pm

You say right partnership is one of the main problems among the partners and conflicts creates over the interest money or the profits. Sure, I think partnership is rests on the same emotion if both of the partners have the same emotions they may be partners for a long time.

Positive thought and honesty both are the basic elements of a good partnership. I have seen that there are many companies that being by the two or more than two partners but they are successful because they not make any injustice to anyone.

The main cause of fighting, enmity, conflict is injustice. Make justice there will be no problem in any business or at home all over the world. Those who make injustice in business such type of thinking and injustice leads the firm and partnership to utter fall.

November 3, 2016 at 2:31 am

For me I think partnership in business is the best provided it’s been made on signed documents. I will ask for a signed documents for any monetary business even with my brothers cos any one can disappoint anybody once money is involved. I think partnership is the best when the both sides contribute the same percentage and everyone should contribute the same amount in upgrading the the business if any flaw comes up.
Partnership is very necessary as it allows large monetary businesses that cannot be handled by one person to be handled. There are businesses which involve millions of dollars and just one business man despite all the profits will not want to invest on it all alone. He would also want his fellow business man to partner with him and share the profit equally, at least if any loss is made, they can withstand it cos they are partners

November 3, 2016 at 2:40 am

Partnership is best when the two sides have agreed on a signed document. Even if the partnership is not 50-50,there shouldn’t be a problem I treating flaws and bit failures. In this kinda matter I think any flaw or a bit failure that is experienced in the partnership should be attended to by the both sides. If the partnership is 50-50,they will have to contribute equally to still stand the business. If the partnership is 70-30.the business man of 70 will have to contribute 70% of the money that’s gonna be used to reshape the business and the 30% business man will also contribute 30%, no problems will be encountered at all. After the business flourishes, the money, I mean the profit will be shared among the businessmen depending on how they contributed right from the start. I don’t think any problem will be encountered if is been taken in this matter unless greed and wickedness and jealousy comes in.

November 4, 2016 at 10:37 am

This is  quite a problem faced by many small entrepreneurs. A partnership with family members or close relatives will always ends up in failure or a loss. The reason being a. more respect for self b. over estimation of ones capacity 3. ego 4. Greedyness 5. lack of trust.  6. Bringing in personal and domestic problems into the business

All the 5 reasons are quite discussed in many forums. There are many solutions and suggestions offered for rectifying them. But, the saddest part which is totally neglected is the point no.6. Here actually the problem starts. It is this point No.6 which breeds the other problme. Unless one is learnt and trained to avoid bringing in personal and domestic problem into the Business everything becomes fair and runs on a sound footing.