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November 10, 2016 at 10:46 pm

The withdrawal of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 a remarkable and bold decision taken by the Modi Government is sending shock waves in the opposition parties. The Congress, as usual, is making totally useless and irrelevant criticism of the decision attributing the decision taken as ‘an eye on election’. Mr. Mulayam Singh an another leaders remarks ‘a decision taken with haste’. His son comments ‘IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISCUSSED’. This needs proper evaluation ;

Is it really a decision to be taken after discussing with the opposition parties in the open air and in the lawns of Parliament Bhavan?

In what way this can be treated as a decision taken with haste? Should it require a time to do something good for the people of the country? Does it need any ‘Muhoortham’  for doing good to the people of this country? Does any ‘auspicious time’ is required to wage a war against the enemy when he is standing on the border with AK-47 & 57 and other sophisticated ammunition?

In the year 2014  about 20 kgs of contraband and Rs.37,000 cash was seized in the Vizag Agency area during the period of elections.

In May 2014 about Rs.283 Crs has been seized during the run for elctions

In May 2014 another 2.3 crore unaccounted cash was seized in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh State

Another Rs.140 crores of unaccounted cash was seized during Assembly and Lok Sabha polls in Andhra Pradesh alone;

There are many scams and  cases of  possession of  disproportionate assets from the known sources of income registered, inquired into, and are pending in the various courts in the Country. Each and every politician can be dubbed with a black mark with a simple blindfold. The instances pointed out are only pertaining to Andhra Pradesh only and the place required to name the details of the leaders of the  other states space may perhaps not be sufficient. It is enough in word to say that they all need a ‘LEFT FOOT TREATMENT’ from the public.

They have been looting the public allocating huge funds under social welfare scheme, housing schemes, introducing schemes under various titles of their fathers and forefathers, allocated funds in the budget attractively but finally to place them in their respective foreign accounts or in the lock and key of their Iron safes. They never bothered about the public and the only concession they have given to the public is ‘JIO AUR JEENE DO’ very liberally. You eat whatever you want but do not point out me, was the only style of functioning.  Drama in politics became a regular feature from morning to evening.

Another chief Minister celebrated her son’s marriage with pomp and show spending money lavishly and when a case of D.A was lodged and arrested made an appeal to the Apex court which even after dodging the case granted bail and finally disposed of the case giving a ‘clean chit’ on Technical grounds, which was not challenged again. The same Chief Minister introduced the schemes like ‘AMMA MEALS’ AND ‘AMMA TIFFINS’ for subsidized rates. The people are still foolishly clinging on to the Chief Minister and they are now making demonstrations against the decision taken by the Prime Minister Mr. Modi.  How the Chief Minister could successfully bamboozle the public in averting the precarious situation.

A Chief Minister of Bengal was garlanded with currency totaling to 21 lakhs means one can understand what respect these pig politicians have got for the public.

This is clearly exposing the mindset of the leaders when they say the decision has been taken ‘with an eye on the elections’. If that is so , they should understand pretty well ‘with what eye they have contested and contest the elections and with what eye they have been relegated to the opposition benches by the people of India’.

This shock is not sufficient for the immoral , unethical politicians  and black marketers who are hoarding tons of gold and currency in their safest LANGOTAS.

The time given by the Government for exchange of currency is only up to 11th of November 29016 which is more than enough. The banks have been closed especially not to give any scope for the fake and black money again entering into the market.

Suddenly, the banks have been opened today and they are very generously accepting the old currency in return for the new. The time has also been extended until 30th. This is where the cushion has been given allowing them to sit comfortably .

They are now providing part-time jobs to the people only to stand in the queue and do the rest of the process on behalf of the culprits. Already,  they are pushing towards purchase 10 grams of Gold for 35K against Rs.30 k.

It is better the Government does not yield to the foolish , irrelevant reasons and shortcomings that may be pointed out by the opposition parties and any concession or leverage to this effect may certainly defeat the very purpose of the decision with which it was taken.

Let the action  be continued as a shock only without any  remission and let it not be    a SHOCK ABSORBER at this crucial  point of time.




November 10, 2016 at 11:01 pm

The measure will cause temporary hardship but was necessary keeping in mind rampant corruption and neighboring country’s nefarious design.

Many opposition parties would be worried where to stash their crores of unaccounted money so many occasions them are making needless comments.

Yes people will face some inconvenience but those with tonnes of black money will not find a place to hide.

November 11, 2016 at 9:03 am

One more interesting aspect is that the Prime Minister in his statement is stating that the decision became inevitable in the light of growing terrorism as the terrorist groups are pushing the ammunition and weaponry using fake currency though the actually this is not. The issue of terror financing is one of the strategies adopted in International politics by different countries but never at the cost of its own citizen.

The terrorist groups are within the country operating their anti-national activities circulating the fake currency. Very recently , the Telangana State Government has seized 10K crores of black money in a car . The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is blaming the Opposition party leave Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy is the owner of this money whereas Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy is throwing the blame on the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu. Such activities are becoming common in the remaining states also. Modiji after watching the frequent occurrence of such incident has decided to take this bold decision. The same culprits spend this money during Election Time.They  announce promises generously which they do not know for themselves. Finally, the amount goes in the form of black money into their accounts within India or in foreign banks.

This is not the case only with India but in almost all countries of the world, the position is not good.  That is why the names of many Heads of the countries , and the  black money holders  found their place in Panama papers.

November 11, 2016 at 9:35 am

I don’t know much about your government but it maybe a move for the betterment of the economy of your country. It wouldn’t be considered if it cause bad to the government.

November 11, 2016 at 12:37 pm

@shivamani indeed terror financing is a very very big issue and many countries need to come togther to tackle this menace.

November 11, 2016 at 1:53 pm

yes. you are right. The previous Governments have not taken any step for developing the economy and the standard of living of a poor man. They had an ample opportunity for taking such decision as they have been in power for the last 30-50 years. They did nothing. On the contrary spoiled the country to the maximum.

You will be wondered if I say that even after 60 years of Independence the people are not having public toilets. The students in the educational institutions are not having proper toilets separately for Boys and Girls. This is one of the glaring  examples to show how the public money has been swallowed in the name of welfare schemes.

Mr. Mod has taken a very bold  decision for a cause and for doing something good for the Nation. Had it not been so he would not have taken such decision as you said.

November 11, 2016 at 2:36 pm

yes. You are absolutely right. Unless all the countries come together this can not be solved.  That is why after the  shootout at Bardadinero France has convened a conference in Paris along with the U.S. Though it is towards the fight against terrorism. Though many decisions were expected of this conference it has been ended with the passing of some resolutions. India has only participated in the conference. In all these terrorist activities there is some external agency which had been backing the terrorists.

But this is not so in the case of India. There are nefarious forces working within the country and also  along the borders against the Government taking up nefarious activities which is really sad to know about. What made them powerful is the black money and the fake currency they are holding in their accounts.

It is after studying this situation the Modi Government has taken a firm decision to demonetization of  Currencies of Rs.500 and Rs.1000.


November 13, 2016 at 9:05 am

This decision is helping those who have invested in gold, real estate only, and in future people will lose faith in indian currency , not keep any money with them

November 13, 2016 at 9:28 am

Try to understand me.

We are electing the people as legislators and Parliamentarians and sending them to State Assemblies and Parliament to represent the people to discuss their problem, to provide facilities, to remove unequal distribution of wealth and proceeds. It is their moral responsibility to fulfil these duties and responsibilities. They discuss on various things during budget period and see that the funds are allocated to various schemes and othr welfare measures that are take up by the Government.

When these politicians miserably fail in their duties and responsibilities and try to swallow the funds allocated towards various schemes and programs what will be the position of a common man?

They allocate funds and instead of spending the amount they keep it in their Bank accounts and it will be running in crores.He and his family will be spending luxurious whereas the middle-class man is unable to. The prices will go up. Always it is only the poor and common man only who will suffer.

Added to this there are some anti-social elements who resort to printing of currency which again be termed as fake currency It comes various sources and enters into the Indian market. So, the people carrying this fake currency also spend lavishly  and enjoy the comforts meant for others. The common man and others are forced to resort for corruption to satisfy the basic and minimum needs.

Mr. Modi, our Prime Minister after studying the entire situation has decided a landmark decision to pull out the Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currencies from the market making them invalid and keeping a limit of Rs.2.5 lakhs in any individual bank account. Anybody, if he possess more than 2.5  lakhs in his bank account has to pay an Income Tax.  If they possess more than that they have to give the source of that extra amount.

As such everybody is fixed now. People who are possessing lakhs of bundles of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currencies in their Almirahs have to dispense with their currencies as they are all obtained by unlawful means.

As you said that people would invest in Gold with that extra money the chances are minimum. If they purchase Gold for more than Rs.2.5 lakhs they should furnish the PAN No. which gives the amount purchased so far and other every details. Here also the Revenue Officials are watching the movement and transactions of the Jewelry shops.

The Prime minister has announced yesterday that it is only the beginning and warned the people to be more careful. Some more are shortly to come from the Government . These are all expected to be introduced by the earlier Governments under the Congress Party. But, they could not introduce these measures and unable to take decision for fear of votes.

This is why our Prime Minister is hailed by the people now. He is known for bold decisions and we are proud that we got after 60 years of Independence a real Prime Minister.