Author Posts

March 13, 2017 at 5:53 pm

@bluelion, hehehehe, that is nice you posted 1000 plus words, just write and write anything under the sun just connect every idea made and what pops up in the mind, write hahahaha.What is the title of your blog? I have not read it. I am busy writing here the second blog to earn $1 this evening for a matter of 1.5 hours,lol. Thank you and have a nice blogging, discussing and commenting. I like here than in ML I feel bored interacting without clear income to soar lol.

March 13, 2017 at 7:20 pm

@lovern Thank you. I have almost failed to finish it because it’s way beyond my capacity. I was just glad that there were additional information that came to my mind to make it a 1000 plus blog post. It’s about making your website appear on the first page of Google, discussing some SEO techniques that I’ve learned.

Wow, you made two 1000 plus blog posts in just one and half hour. I knew you are really capable of that. Me too, I think I can earn better here than ML.

March 14, 2017 at 2:14 am

@bluelion,Hi good morning? I drop by here before going to work. I am so amused of your answer hehehe. You can surely write 1000 plus words by resting sometimes,lol. I like to write and write anything tht comes to mind, I develop. By the way, ML has not yet too forwarding the payment until this day. I think they send our pay every 15th of the month. I have there $11 earned for two months,lol. Also here, pay not yet forwarded thru pay pal. Thanks and see you this evening here. Ta care.

March 14, 2017 at 7:23 am

@lovern How I wish I started to like writing and reading when I was young, I should have been also earning decently now. Yes, I can make 1000 plus words post but it really takes time for me to finish it, there are lots of pauses, spending in thinking and choosing of words to use. Haha. I think it’s really not my passion to write that’s why I’m having a hard time. I hope your earnings will be delivered to your Paypal soon.

March 14, 2017 at 1:31 pm

I thinkbthe rate is more like the same whether its in the comments or in blogging. It all depends in the number of words if am not wrong. But again it all depends in the quality of the blog or the comment you give. Cely has laid it out quite well, sge gets to write more blogs than most of us so she is in a better posution to rate it.

March 14, 2017 at 3:48 pm

@bluelion, good news, Mylot sent this day my payment $12 to pay pal. This is good for two months payment hshahaha, it is so easy to reach the minimum pay out here I am now almost $10 here. I am promoting $1 plus every evening and every Sunday, I make it $2. Actually, I have just arrived home, then excited to open LB to see your message and for me to read and repl if reply of course pay comes soon here, I hope tomorrow there is good news for payment to be delivered to pay pal tomorrow.

March 16, 2017 at 12:49 pm

@lovern Hope you managed to reach your target on Sunday. I’ve been absent from the site for a few days, hopefully I can start being more active again. I want to at least reach a point where I can earn $1 a day. Thank you for your reply. Hope you have a great day.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Tracy.

March 16, 2017 at 3:57 pm

@Tracy, yes my friend, it is just an easy thing to write a blog as long as the mind is clear and on the focus of what to write. Every evening, I usually submit two blogs. I have to utilize my time for I used to sleep late and wake up early. I only have 4 to five hours sleep. By the way, have youreceived yor salary in Mylot? I have received mine last Monday . I am so excited to receive this for I want to accumulate my money in Pay Pal.

I also hope you can spend some hours here to accomplish your target. take care and have a good evening.

April 26, 2017 at 2:14 pm

@ichchhemrityu Thank you. I agree I find it much easier to comment on blogs or in the forum as well as post questions in the forum than creating a 300 plus blog post. I unfortunately am not creative or imaginative enough to find 300 words to write and I don’t want to create a rubbish and boring post just so I can earn.