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September 15, 2016 at 4:33 pm

I have learned a lesson out of my action. It does not mean that because I am so tired from work, I can no longer function my faculty. After thorough thinking, LOL, I was able to come with the solution of my problem on redemption having my email add as not affiliated with Pay Pal.

And finally, I toured to my Profile section and edit my address, Lo! and Behold, God is so glorious for guiding me what to do. I think admin already learned that my previous address is not affiliated with Pay Pal for the slot address is empty. Yay, I am so happy now. I can now write numerous blogs with different interests. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Literacy Base admin and and site’s associates for making my destiny here brighter as the sun that shines in a blue and clear universe.

It seems I have just woke up from a deep sleep and come to this reality that this site is truly humane.

I also want to extend my special and heartfelt thanks to the nice and brilliant bloggers here for without your inspiring and strong words, I would have not encourage myself to think about the so simple solution of my problem. Yes, @suny, thanks , you are correct the solution is as easy as counting 1,2,3 hehehe, and to @nakitakona13, jealous guy hahahaha,your words had awaken me, thanks. I should be so considerate and smart to mention all people in general term, blogger; @bestwriter, sorry Madam , as always, I have high regard on you, so please erase your doubt that you are not special to me, and you know well, for sure, I am there in your blogs sharing my thought and feelings, hehehe, to @shaloo walia, thanks friend.I know the kind of heart your heart has,pure and caring. Thanks for the wise share on my probs; also @Shavkat, thanks friend for sharing me your nice advise, and to all bloggers in this LB site, thanks for your amazing advise. To God Be The Glory.

September 15, 2016 at 4:52 pm

I am glad you got the solution of your problem no matter who provided it to you, looking forward to your great articles on this site 🙂

September 15, 2016 at 8:04 pm

glad to hear that your problem had been solved

I guess the community here are very helpful when one is in need of help.

However, my paypal hasn’t change the address yet, even though I had asked admin to do so.

Anyway, I still get paid at my new paypal address

September 16, 2016 at 8:33 am

Hi, nice meeting you. I am a newbie here. You could have done it. The only thing was that you got perplexed. That’s all. If you had given some time to think over your problem it could have been solved long back. Sometimes, we miss the things which are right in front of our eyes. Anyhow, best of luck. Hoping for some interesting Articles from your pen.

September 16, 2016 at 9:19 am

@ cely  good to know that you found the solution!

September 16, 2016 at 3:29 pm

@suny,Thank you so much, of course your 123 has helped me to analyze the problem area and the possible target solution.Somehow, we need the wisdom from others to guide our path and correct the wrongs.

September 16, 2016 at 3:32 pm

@peach purple, Thanks sis, yes, I had solved the issue of my address and  pay pal mismatching. This moment I felt relived. Thanks for all your wonderful and strong words that enlight my path to the right solution of my problem. Kudos to all.

September 16, 2016 at 3:36 pm

@sivasubs, hehehe Hi? hello? Sorry to call you this way, your name used here is too long.Well anyway, we are all newbies here. Glad to meet you too here. Yes, I was able to solve my address and pay pal mismatching though the hints you gave me here.

September 16, 2016 at 3:42 pm

@shaloo walia, Yes dear, thanks for the nice advise you shared on my previous problem. Sometimes we end to forget important things that bother at hand and only wanting to take action at an instance.That was what had happened to me, over problematic of a very simple solution hehehe.My goodness, I was so lazy too, to take action by my own without involving others first, I am so sorry for those not mentioned. I already apologized .Kudos!

September 17, 2016 at 5:34 pm

It is not easy to think about problem in a site. I hope i won’t anymore encounter problems related with email address and pay pal. I also hope pay pay won’t give problems to all users. They keep on updating and upgrading payments as facilitator to payments.

September 17, 2016 at 7:09 pm

Congratulations you have solved your problem and now you are ready to accept more of your earning. That also means you have already received your payment here. Wow, good for you have done your way here. As for me, I have much to learn.

September 18, 2016 at 12:50 pm

@superd,Hi?Nice to meet you too here . Let us just try our very best to earn.It is not easy to reach the payout.We have to sacrifice. I only drop here every evening for I have work in the day . I was able to solve my ow  problem successfully through the guides of the bloggers here and from my keen observation of all the sections here at LB. I saw the edit part of my profile and perfectly saw my address empty. Meaning the site admin learned that the email add I  presented to them is not affiliated with pay pal.That was the big chance for me to write on that blank my email add affiliated with pay pal. Just keep on writing and sharing some thoughts ere in forum.