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September 26, 2016 at 5:12 pm

I just get a hint from you as to the number of hours you spend here so that I and others who happen to read this will be guided according to your experience. The experience I mean here is your payment. I have learned that you redeemed here  every month, share us the time duration you consume in this site daily.

After I corrected or solved my problem , that is, the mismatch of my Yahoo mail and pay pal address, I felt a little bit inspired. I hope that you can share us here. Thanks for sharing your nice experience.

September 26, 2016 at 5:23 pm

Honestly that is something that i wanted to know as well  i ha e read that people are redeeming from LB like every other month and I keep wondering how they do it. I would alsoliketo know the amount of time that they spend on this site to be able to redeem in a month  i ha sheen doing it for a while and I still haven’t reached my goal. Please share with us those who have already done that

September 26, 2016 at 5:37 pm

@Anitah Gimase, me too wonder how they make it redeeming monthly. Maybe they have technique. How nice if they will share us their technique, LOL. We know to acquire wealth even through ob line, but we also like transparent technique hehehe.

September 26, 2016 at 9:28 pm

@cely  Not more than half an hour these days. Constant delays and rejection of my posts have demotivated me to write posts here.

September 26, 2016 at 9:34 pm

I come here every two hours and spend almost 5 minutes. I check everything thoroughly before leaving but I am not feeling like writing for time being. I am feeling like something is missing from the site but unable to get the point.

September 26, 2016 at 9:43 pm

@ suny  Things are not the same since the start of the month. There are frequent delays in approving the posts. Support is hardly to be seen. 

September 27, 2016 at 5:12 pm

The time I do spend here all goes to forums. I have yet to write an article for this site. I can not bring myself to write anything here. I guess I do not like having my article looked at under a microscope like I am back in college again. I really hate being treated like a child in that manner.

I refuse to write just anything. I can do that on my own blog. But when it comes to writing sites I want my articles to mean something. So until I can find something I am proud of writing I will just stick to forums.

September 27, 2016 at 5:57 pm

@shaloo walia, sorry dear to hear about your discouragement. Try to write another to remind them that your posts are worth to publish. Yesterday, I submitted one blog abut a million dollar worth bra, and they approved its publication, but I cannot find it here featured. Shown in my post almost naked woman hehehehe wearing the bra that costs $10 million dollars.

September 27, 2016 at 6:01 pm

@evilelf, That is what mostly people are doing here to participate in forum while waiting for something to write. Anyway, we also earn here. I mostly reply my earning here through forums.Good luck ti you friend.


September 29, 2016 at 6:37 pm


I try to sign in to Literacy Base almost every day. I never really calculated my time spent. I usually go through my eMails to see any new posts that were generated and make comments at the ones that interest me. Sometimes I check the groups to see if something is buzzing or there’s a question I can answer. I don’t so much measure the time spent as I check to see if my earnings are accumulating. As long as I see pennies adding up I write it off as time well spent.  🙂



  • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Treathyl FOX.

September 29, 2016 at 6:51 pm

Hmm, let me review my memory, maybe two hours and more. I check in here not once in a day but maybe two or thrice a day. Hours depends because it it could me 30 minutes and more. Depending on time, lets say I can stay more two hours alone at night and lesser in the morning and day. That really depends upon the availability of time.

And since I’m still newbie here and have not yet experience receiving a payout, I am present here everyday.

October 1, 2016 at 8:34 am

Treathyl FOX, Yes, I always see you here, you are a very active blogger in this site. I am always seeing and reading some blogs to share too my thoughts and feelings.Yesterday, I was not able to visit here. I cannot anymore describe my works in school, now that the end of the first semester is so closer from now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the query on the number of hours spent here.

October 1, 2016 at 8:39 am

@Super D, That is nice, you spend some hours here, and next month, you may be able to redeem. Just keep on writing and sharing here in forum for we can also earn.My advise is make your discussion in forum longer at least 100 words because I noticed that we are paid better if discussion or comment longer. This s based on my experience. If I submit a very short message/ comment/ reply/ interaction, the pay is only very small compared to a longer / or wordy one.Thanks and have a nice weekend.