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March 3, 2017 at 9:46 pm

First and last time i cooked was about three years ago. I was always fascinated by cooking, in fact when i was young i used to stand besides my mom just to see how the colour texture of the dish transform with every ingredient addition. And how raw ingredients suddenly comes cooked in matter of minutes. At 17 years of age i suddenly got the interest of cooking, after much persuasion i was finally able to convince my mom to let me cook atleast one dish. The dish was Scrambled Egg that contained finely cut onions, tomatoes, indian spices and eggs. Mom read out the recipe and i just went about following it. But at the end of the cooking, i was astounded as how much effort it takes to just prepare one dish. The dish came out semi-ok, not every family member liked it, but appreciated me to do so well in the first attempt. After that i did not cook a single dish till now.

Whats your first cooking experience guys ?

March 3, 2017 at 10:22 pm

I can’t even remember when was the first time i cooked. I started cooking for my family when i was 9. My grandmother strongly believed that girls were made to clean houses and cook and decided that i needed to start early. I knew how to do some basic steaks and rice and everything. The whole preparation. After that i just started to try on my own. I still cook sometimes when i have the patience. I like to cook but sometimes i don’t have the time to do so.

March 4, 2017 at 12:02 am

I think I learned to cook when my mother was out of town. I had to prepare something for myself. Otherwise I would have starved. Because she went to see her mother, aka my grandmother. And she kept some food for me in fridge. But that was finished as I shared it with friends. And I had to do something. This was when I was 13. After this I am doing just fine and these days I can cook most of the stuff. Though it’s still yet to get me a lot of stuff though. I have to learn to cook everyday food now without losing my touch.

March 9, 2017 at 2:32 pm

Oh..very nice about it. I started cooking for 3 years. I first acquainted myself well with the procedures to be followed. I studied the basics of cooking. The cooking experience was great. It was a big century in the debut itself. I cooked Potatoe curry and also Mango dal which surprised everyone. The next item was Chennai Rasam, and also Tomato Rasam. I really wondered how I could make them so nicely. But,  the art of making Palli chutney was taught by a Tamilian. He was a master, Cheff. He taught me how to prepare it in a different way bringing more taste to it. It can be served for Idlis, Upma, and Dosas. He told me in a different way altogether. The method taught was a little bit cumbersome than the routine preparation which people generally follow.