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November 10, 2016 at 12:06 pm

How much mud has been thrown at him.? The opposition calling names, giving weird interpretations to his statements, all have been proved falls and could not pave a smooth way towards White House for Mrs. Clinton. She got only 214 which was not expected even by the Election Analysts and the media.

Even the media did not support Mr. Donald. Let us leave media, even his own party has opposed him. Still, he got it through and could ascend the thrown as the RULER of US finally.

People called his insane, bigot,  anti-national, war-monger, and Putin’s aide. Still ….still he proved himself the dearest of all the U.S

In one way all the criticism against him by Mrs. Clinton really fetched him a lot. The language used by the Democrats, the filthy shouts  and the unparliamentary usage of words never heard of in any elections of the U.S, all have exposed the mindset of the Democratic candidate.

November 10, 2016 at 6:30 pm

Trump can not and will not benefit anyone but himself.   He is an uncouth dishonest scammer, and always has been.     America has always had it’s population of racists, which now have been empowered.