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November 9, 2016 at 1:55 pm

Kudos to all Americans for having done your election peacefully, though there was one fatality in the election vote center this day. I hope the criminal was apprehended and served the crime committed.The canvassing was so early to finish. the election ended at 6 p.m NZ time and the result was declared at 9 on the same evening matter  of 3 hours gap.

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. I do not have updates as to the reactions of Clinton. I hoped she did not land in the hospital for she was expecting much a win in the US election.

I do not know the feelings of the bloggers here who are from United States if you are happy to be Trump as your new president. ll I can say is whoever wins, let us support for the  benefits of the people all over the world. let us hope that Trump truly makes America great again.

Why? Is America not great during Obama presidency? The answer is yours.

November 9, 2016 at 5:00 pm

I’m just glad that lying witch didn’t win. She would have caused war with Russia and other places. As for Trump is concerned he needs to work on his mouth problem and wanting to grab on women’s pussies whenever he wants to. Yes, he said it from his mouth. I know sickening. But when you compare words to actions against Hillary who do you think is the worse? I didn’t tell anyone who I voted for. I don’t like being an confrontation that petty.

I can’t pass judgement on Trump just yet. I’ll have to wait for him to get into office and get things started to see if he’ll be any good. I can only hope for a better tomorrow while I worry about today.

November 9, 2016 at 5:49 pm

America is a racist, sexist place in which if you are not a white man you are in danger.   Americans have elected someone who will return the ‘standards’ to that of the 1950s.

November 9, 2016 at 6:25 pm

 kaylar I wouldn’t say all of that. Have you been to America or are you getting your facts from television and the media? Did you know that Saudi Arabia is the most sexist and racist country in the world? At least through the eyes of an American they are. Women aren’t allowed to vote or drive. They can’t even leave the house without having a male guardian. Unlike here in the United States where women are free to do as they please. Just because you have men that don’t know how to keep their thoughts to themself or their eyes and hands to themselves doesn’t make America a sexist place. That is every where in the world. Racist? Race wasn’t an issue until that Michael Brown killing came about and the rise of the BLM (Black Lives Movement) came about. That’s when Obama started dividing the nation, once again. Black people who fought for segregation are now asking to be segregated again. So no, it’s not all about the white man anymore. Blacks are just as racist as the next color. 

November 9, 2016 at 9:30 pm

My dream and effort became fruitful. I have been continuously siding Mr.Donald  As a staunch supporter of Mr. Donald I have contributed articles also on LinkedIn which have got some meaning.

Mr Donald is actually the right candidate for the President of US The U.S needs his service. He is bold and dynamic and mostly he is quite outspoken. Unlike other politicians he is not a hypocrite. He is no doubt a businessman. It is only a businessman whose services are needed for the U.S. He decisions and statements are spontaneous. He got a clear understanding of what he says.

One should remember and recollect his statements that ‘America unnecessarily purchased war with Saddam Hussain and Col. Gaddafi and killed them and in turn got nothing But only a War.” Is it not correct? The previous Presidents followed and showed  very critical approach towards International matters and ruined the US.

Let us hope Mr. Donald would make the U.S prevail in the state of peace and harmony.

November 9, 2016 at 9:37 pm

Am very so much happy for trump win, sometimes ago I personally write to him and said white house is yours, and must also restored the glory of the great britian, i belive that the Almighty God will be his strenght in other to restored the former glory of great britian! Know he must amend all the anty christ laws which is damage the image of america, he should help any country which is trying to be independent nation, example biafra nation from nigeria which the present government in nigeria is killing every day for nothing reason, am every happy for him, let him restored the name of Almighty God on land of britian,  i thank God for him.

[caption id="attachment_29016" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Do you love trump win? Do you love trump win?[/caption]

November 9, 2016 at 10:05 pm

Something i can’t imagine when you offended someone and you turn back pead for forgiveness this very person you offended refuses to hear your and forgive you, why some person’s find it difficult from they heart to forgive? And this is our Lord prayer,

Our father who art in heaven, Hellowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts,

As we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliever us from evil. But upon all this some people’s find it hard to forgive.

So what should someone do to you and you will not for him or her?

[caption id="attachment_28820" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Why some people find it difficult to forgive? Why some people find it difficult to forgive?[/caption]

November 9, 2016 at 10:10 pm

While Donald Trump seems more radical, I think some of his measures will be more prudent on economic and international affairs. Yet, he will have to take the Senate and The House of Representatives along on many major issues, and I do not think he will do all things by his whims and fancies.
So I am keeping my fingers crossed and will see how things fare under him.

November 9, 2016 at 11:40 pm

I lived there for a number years, have visited on occasion, most recently in March of this year.

In my country a woman has been Prime Minister, (twice) a Woman is the Chief Justice.  A woman is the Director of Public Prosecutions.  More women attend University then men.

In my country the colour of a person’s skin does not ‘label’ them.  If you aren’t of mixed blood, then you marry someone who is, or your children are. That is because we don’t have that kind of racial bias.

In the election before last, there were slurs made against the female Prime Minister which weren’t 1/10th as bad as what Trump said about women. But he was roundly criticised for it.   When he ran again, he didn’t dare say anything about his opponents gender.

So don’t pretend America is some great place, it isn’t.   That is hype.   Most of the cars on the road are Japanese.  Most of the appliances Chinese.   And this holds true for most parts of the world.

Whatever image you have of America as some great home of opportunity it isn’t.  It just pays more for workers.

November 10, 2016 at 2:06 am

Of course am  very happy for Trump as he win USA American elections this is to show his what, how i wish other countries should learn how should have being conducted, not to see election like do or die afair, for example a countries like africa were some see politice as an enterprise, i don’t really know if a country like nigeria have learn anything from USA election? America colonize nigeria but nigeria is still far off in times of masurite. I really thank GOD so much for TRUMP is a dream come true, this real democray were people allow to vote for their choice without intimidation, like some of the country who treating they citizen with gun and higacking kill in name if i don’t will win this election all of you will die not like that,in this election, USA America,

November 10, 2016 at 5:57 am

 Elom ikechukwu awoke America did not colonize Nigeria. That was the British that did that during the 19th and 20th centuries. I don’t understand the concept of why people force others to vote a different way than what the person actually wants. In America that is illegal. Some countries are still behind in times and think this barbiac way of life is a good thing. People need to make a stand and change that. 

I have watched so many arguements on Facebook about this election. People need to understand that what is done is done. There is no going back. Protesting is not going to change the outcome. Rioting is not going to change the outcome. I’ll be glad when those rioters start going to jail and actually doing their jail time. Stop giving them a free pass to cause trouble.

November 10, 2016 at 7:02 am

@evilelf, Hi friend? I am glad that your candidate won with some valid reasons you cited here. They have the same mouth with our Ph president acid mouth , but sincere, hates corruption and advocates peace and order that is why , if you only  read news from Ph, you will be shocked to know drug lords, protectors, den are killed everyday. There are almost 4,000 drug related cases killed within 4 months of Duterte presidency. That was the reason why  the government wanted America to leave our country for Obama interfered some affairs in our country ,which he has no jurisdiction. Mutual respect is what our government needs from other countries, They should not condemn EJK in Ph for they never know what is the true picture here in relation to heinous crimes that originate form drugs.

About your new president, I prefer him than Clinton.She has many negative remarks from Americans I always read in Facebook, Yahoo news and in the other blog sites. Let us hope for the better world this time.Many cry in pain especially the Muslims, Latinos, LGBT for Trump, may not like them.Let us pray , it is just from his mouth and not from heart.

Thank you friend.

November 10, 2016 at 7:08 am

@kaylar, Let us hope that Trump makes America great again. In the previous administration, it was noted that there were many crimes. Crimes soared, Blacks killed by police, police killed by Black Americans, and last week before the election, there were 2 or 4 police officers on duty killed ,too bad. What will happen to a community and civilians without a police. What if all police decide to resign? There will be chaos all around. But those who entered into police works are not afraid to die for the sake of the people.

May there be peace and better change in the world.

November 10, 2016 at 7:13 am

@evilelf, you are right friend. We shall never trust the media if base the information from media. All over the world has problems on racial discrimination and so with sex related problems.There are many bad elements this time and the root cause is drug. In my country of residence, there are so many sex related problems. It is not America for America despite liberated, but there are also God fearing and afraid of the laws of the country.

May there be peace all throughout the world.

November 10, 2016 at 10:10 am

He is now becoming unpopular president of the United States of America. People are gathering in the streets and states to make some protest because of his winning the election. If this unrest to continue it will become hard to make unity in the country.

I watch that 33 percent of people are scared of his presidency and more or less 10 percent are only excited. But of course, give this guy a chance to serve the country. Majority of the people voted for him because they believe he can really bring the country into greatness again. Hey, isn’t America great today?

Give him the first day to sit in the White House and let know his abilities to lead the people. In fact, he can’t be a billionaire if he is not really good.