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October 9, 2016 at 4:28 pm

Whenever I do some tasks or errands, I keeps my eyes on doing it. I feel like I need to do it as good as possible. Time is so precious to me. I can’t afford to spend a lot of doing something. With such action, there is no way that it could lead to starting from scratch. If I know things like the back of my hand. However, if ever there are some lapses, I am pretty sure it is not that serious. I am not also suffering from obsessive-compulsive type of personality. It is the way I handle things up.

October 9, 2016 at 4:40 pm

No, not that organised and coordinated, ball usually hit me in face. But this is reason why I not working in uncle’s bakery for low pay but doing my dream job for good pay.

Sometimes it is useful not to know things good and do other more important things much better.

I agree person shall not start off scratch, shall have backbone first for support.

October 9, 2016 at 9:07 pm

@yourseldom I agree with you. We don’t know more about certain things. Of course, if we are working in a regular job; we need to consider doing the tasks. It should be in sequence if it is possible. If not, then it will end to a disaster.

October 9, 2016 at 11:51 pm

Just like you have said I also take time to do my stuff. If something is of great importance I will always take the time it deserves so that I can get the best out of it. Because when am doing it I want to get the best out of it. Doing too many things at the same time cannit give you the kind of results that you are looking for. So to answer your question has I put all hands on what am doing all the time I never take chances.

October 10, 2016 at 5:49 am

@sauda I think it the best thing to do. I am not also perfectionist but I tried to make it best. I am sure some people would linger to pending their task. I had seen this situation most of the time in government agencies in my country. It has been an old system practices and hopefully, things will change under the rule of the new president.

October 10, 2016 at 7:18 am

I am not kind of person though I really wanted to be. I am bit disorganized in my table because lots things are in there. Thanks to the logic of one friend that said, if you table is messy and not organize that means you are very person and if your table are so clean and organize that means you are not working so well. Well, that is my motto also now. It encourage me to do more.

October 10, 2016 at 7:29 am

@superd I think it depends on what kind of personality that person is. I can be messy working on my table, but still, fix it after accomplishing my task for the day. I do agree that people can work with their own comfort zone and feel chaos if someone fixed the messy things on the table. When I was in college days, my table is like an art of being loaded with school supplies and books are scattered in all corners of my room. And it works for me.

October 10, 2016 at 4:33 pm

@shavkat it ended up like bakery disaster, I am not very talented for that job and with our family history it is being baker or being in ice cream business. For girls it is not even like career but more like helping family to manage which is very nice form my perspective.
But in my case not possible, because i am very clumsy. With that being finished case my uncle returned me with note that he desire i> find anything else to do in life but making beagles…
Next summer i went to my other family members to help with ice cream business, that was an event that my dear aunt wish to forget.
Now i do this job and it is very fulfilling and bliss to me. If and when Hellboy stay away form my good mood and not chew it with his wicked teeth. Even with boss warning my coworker is still very nasty.

October 11, 2016 at 7:07 am

@yourseldom I do believe that we may experience a disaster of doing something. But then, we can still manage to find a certain job that is suitable for us. As long as, we are open to changes. On the other hand, some people refused to accept new things. It is most likely make them feel miserable without doing any actions for themselves. I do think you are in the right track and continue to be the captain of your life.