Author Posts

November 7, 2016 at 8:05 am

I hope @support takes action on this “samara” entering this site. The manner he writes is spammy, vulgar , indecent, I hope everyone here would not reply the message he may send you for that messages contaminates or spreads to this site, thus creating malware.I deleted that message right away so it won’t become viral.

May I know if you also received a message from this person. It seems this has been in this site many months ago and many received the spammy message. Do try to check your messages or notifications so we can have teamwork to eliminate that message.

I hope that @admin / @support could take action to eliminate this spammy message that seems like malware.

November 7, 2016 at 8:28 am

But, but, she just wants to be your friend and show you her pictures and give you lots of kisses. She just wants you to send an email so she will be able to hack you is all 😛 I don’t if that is the intent or not but that is the first thing to pop in my head. I believe she was here once before. I remember getting one similar to this weeks ago.

November 7, 2016 at 10:26 am

Who is Samara? He is sending messages to a lot persons what is the aim behind it? Can anyone tell me? If she uses malware the Support must ban its articles on LB to save LB writers’ efforts.

I also received a message from Samara requested for friendship. Cely what is reason behind it? Who is this person? What she wants from LB writers. Now what should we all do in such condition?

Write in details about Samara and its hidden aims and objects.

November 7, 2016 at 10:33 am

What a timing because I just open her letter and read it. I even replied ‘okay’ to her message. But I have the thinking that Samara is making some fun here in literacy base but because most of us are already educated about spam and scam, she will have hard time convincing us to go with her.

November 7, 2016 at 12:30 pm

@evilelf, hahahaha, you said it right friend hehehe, this spam came back,meaning it was not blocked by the site. That message was so convincing hahaha, and also romantic wow.The hacker does not realize that the words he used are clearly familiar and programmed by computer / hacker program.

Even if you reply that, the message remains the same and after that the receiver would be deceived. The computer we are using will be put to risk hahaha. I thought I am alone experiencing this , at least there is you ,LOL.

Did you report this to @support? Thanks.

November 7, 2016 at 12:35 pm

@jhsayyar, hehehehe you are so funny, just delete the message, never reply for it spreads , it’s a malware that ants to hack our system and even bad for our computer or lap top.Get rid off that message. That is programmed malware, better operate your anti- virus there to clean your computer and have that malware cannot concentrate on your unit and here.

Also try to report it to @support, because that is what they want us to do to report any malicious activity that may lead to site’s destruction.

November 7, 2016 at 12:50 pm

@superd, That might be a malware, not a spam.We were told to help the site admin by reporting to them this malware. I do not know if they have taken action to this matter. This malware / spam keeps on entering the site. This is very risky software that contains malicious malware.Do not reply that my friend. Try to observe, your reply will not be replied and next time the texts used are somewhat like temptations, that is a software that contains malware that may hack our computer and site.

That is true, it is also  very hard for them to prosper in their worst activity because many of us now got the idea on how to detect real or scam. spam messages that may put the site at risk.

Try to report this to @ The Support. I hope they were able to read our discussions here.Take care.

November 7, 2016 at 12:51 pm

I received a couple of his messages as welk some time back, nad at first i was nit sure of what to make out of it, so i didnt reply because th3 m3ssage made no sense to me at all it was nonsensical and i was trying to winder why would someone who doesnt even know me semd me such a message about showing me their pictures? Knowing what th3 net can do i ignored everything and decided to search for the name on th3 site i found nothing. So when i put it up as a post a friend was gracious enough to warn me about the so called samara that was a close call, when i was told he was a spammer i deleted all his messages. Thanks for sharing this.

November 7, 2016 at 1:18 pm

@Anitah Gimase, That is true friend, there are also some here who also received the same texts message from that samara. That is a malware that wants to hack, if not right away to scam at us first.Let us never reply message like that, it so obvious, spam / scam.If you keep on answering that sender you will notice it directs you to other place.

I am also happy that you deleted the message. Let us hope that the site management already had removed that malware.Thank you.

November 8, 2016 at 10:33 pm

@lovern hello friend, I think support will take action but not as if they need to action on anything. Samara sends the same message I see in my emails and on some websites.

It is all same hello, take look my pictures, let me be your friends.

These messages are all aimed at lonely online men looking to fun and they all sell some sort of website or service, hot line and so on. maybe videos and photo, but that not real.

I received the message but with no vulgar content. It made me laugh at her words, because I am not a single lonely man  and  she is not interesting to me.

maybe if I were the man I will ask what new service she sells.

I think she is it. Some program. When n person host a new website with signup open ,  the program makes accounts and when tome comes to sell good stuff they just press button and send  the robot back to the page to share messages, post  status and a similar thing.

November 9, 2016 at 12:40 am

This is an old trick; you get it in email and on any site someone can comment.

I never leave a bio, I don’t specify my sex, so anyone who can write and start with; “I read your bio…” automatically gets deleted.   I received something from that source, but reading the first four words I didn’t go further.

November 9, 2016 at 11:31 am

@Your Seldom, Hi friend? heheheh what s funny experience between you and samara.Samara is a spam and or a malware.Do not anymore reply that person, for it is a programmed software.It may damaged our program too, and so with the site.

Maybe that was already blocked by admin.How dare that person kiss my lips hahaha and others laugh the texts are the same a kiss on their lips, very funny, yet deadly message.It plays havoc to the site and to us. She sent me the same texts twice and went back to messages or notifications and deleted and blocked that useless message.

Did you still follow his/ her video? hahaha, I hope not.

November 9, 2016 at 11:37 am

@kaylar, That is true, that is why when I received the message, I thought for awhile thinking where and when I received seems like repeated message. And then , I realized, this was the message sent before to many users here male and female and the texts are the same.

I think that message was deleted. The  message before was somewhat  longer  that the message this time. That is a funny message leaving everyone a kiss male or female hahahaha.

That is a spammy message and must not be tolerated. It may also be a malware that may soon attack the site and computers or lap tops.

November 9, 2016 at 11:51 am

Let us hope that the site admin already removed that spammy message of someone I think a malware.Let us help the site by reporting whatever malicious is observed in this site.It is also risky on our part for the computer we are using will be affected by that spam or malware.

There was a month that this kind of message was sent to many bloggers here.The message was longer than what we received this time, plus the past message was somewhat sweeter ,LOL, unlike this time only showing a sweet kiss to everyone’s lips, hahahaha, how nice to the beautiful face of  that person LOL.

November 9, 2016 at 5:47 pm

When you receive any kind of personal message from someone you don’t know on the ‘Net,  it’s a Scam.    Always will be.

No one knows if I am a man or a woman, if I am 18 or 81 if I am sitting in a wheelchair or riding a motorcycle.  So how can s/he/it write me a personal note, unless s/he/it is a scammer.