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September 3, 2016 at 7:20 am

The current war of the Philippines against illegal drugs also convincing many drug personalities that includes pushers and users to voluntarily surrender to police stations. If you surrender, you will sign a certain waiver their indicating that you will not use or sell anymore illegal drugs?

Would you do it?

September 3, 2016 at 12:55 pm

well firstly, if got caught but jailed and sign a contract not to sell drugs anymore, it is allright to surrender to the police.

But, if one will be sentence to death or life imprisoned, I think majority drug lords would be running away and migrate to foreign country in order to survive

September 3, 2016 at 1:24 pm

You have posed this question. I am interested to know if what would you do if you are one of those drug pushers. Are you going to voluntarily surrender yourself to the police? Or are you going to suffer the death which the police may inflict with your in case you will fight back or resist the arrest?

This is a dangerous speculation. It is too subjective. For sure nobody would surrender if their lives would be endangered. They would rather fight back to defender their lives. The drug users have already considered themselves as no bright future, no hope to get well. So they would rather sacrifice their precious life than to give in to the police authorities.

Nobody would be spared. It is an all-war against the drug lords, the drug pushers, and even against the drug users. They are considered as the menace to the society and they need to be killed, to be eliminated. And it should only be done by extra judicial killings.

September 3, 2016 at 2:23 pm

My nephew took drugs since Grade six  until his marriage, age 21 .Sad to say, his parents who are both Chemical Engineers and working in del Monte Philippines as Supervisors failed to notice their eldest and only son took illegal drug.It was learned that he was trafficked by a teacher in the tertiary level. He was enrolled in top university in Cagayan de oro city.His parents only knew that he took drugs when he was sent to jail with a crime Robbery in the broad day light in SM Philippines. We were so panicked at home especially his parents.Too bad, that university did not sense their teacher in the education department pushing drugs to children. That gay teacher must be jailed, or he must be shot to death. He is a useless teacher garbage in the society.My nephew did not surrender, but he was sent by his parents to a rehab center , where is okay this time.

When I see fatalities in TV due to resist arrest, my lips paint a smile, for of course, drug addicts are killers, insane and inhuman.

September 3, 2016 at 6:27 pm

If they have resources and money to escape and hide to other countries.  Actually, people surrender because of their fear of their life. The surrendering is also one way of having refuge to the police.

September 3, 2016 at 6:32 pm

If I’m  drug pusher? I would probably surrender to the police for my protection. Of course I will follow the SOP which is talking first to the barangay captain and tell him/her to accompany me to the police station so he would also serve as my witness. I would not want to be a target of the police operations just because I did not present my self to them.

September 3, 2016 at 9:34 pm

It doesn’t matter even if selling drugs put food on my plate. I’d die anyway if I continued being a drug pusher.

September 4, 2016 at 4:28 am

Therefore, do not sell drugs if we don’t want to die early.

September 7, 2016 at 1:03 am

That’s a tricky question right there. But I think I would not go ahead and take myself to the police.knowing what will happen once I surrender myself to the police am better off staying away because that will not make anything better for me, even if I have to sign some kind of contract that would come with its consequences that would put me in jail forever. There is never a light jail sentence for drug offenders

September 7, 2016 at 4:24 pm

Actually, this is the advantage of voluntarily surrender to the police headquarter because you will be just be order to sign a waiver that you will not sell and use illegal drugs again. Then they will send you to go home and once in a while you will be ordered to present yourself in the police station.

September 7, 2016 at 4:39 pm

It is  better to surrender or lay on the ground dead, that is if a drug user resists arrest. For me, the best is surrender so there is a chance for  you to  live in a decent and happy life. Those who were killed resisted arrest, and of course, the police must also depend themselves. Those killed were garbage of our society, deadly people who could even afford to rape their infant child.there are so many cases in Philippines parents killing their toddlers, others thrown them to garbage and others were sold just to have money to buy drugs.

September 8, 2016 at 5:02 pm

I will not point to other place because such incidents happen in our place. A father killed his own unruly son because he was bad trip taking dosage of shabu. Someone even burned him in their toilet because of drugs. There are many cases of rapes because suspects are drug addicts. One part of me saying the campaign is good but whenever I see a child killed by unidentified suspects because the real target is his grandfather or father, it really caused some troubles in my mind.

September 8, 2016 at 5:16 pm

The best way the drug users do is to surrender so that they can undergo rehab and this way, they can have a better chance to live in price an harmony. There are almost 3,ooo drug addicts killed in Philippines, and there are still  many who do no stop their operation and believe this to happen,

September 9, 2016 at 3:41 pm

Just lately, 3 drug personalities were killed in our place. The numbers make it to 15 people killed. All of them have no suspects and the police did not even bother to investigate and know who killed them. But because they are all drug personalities, the motive is pointed to drugs.

September 19, 2016 at 9:15 am

In the Phillippines,  this drug menace is existing since a long time and the Administrators did not take it seriously. This is one of the countries included in Golden Triangle. The credit goes to Mr. Duterte who decided to punish these drug peddlers and pusher severely. Therefore, unless the punishment is  severe sometimes people will not change their ways . As the punishment is severe with execution they are now surrendering voluntarily. In my country, there is no need for such activity. If I were in that situation and if I happened  to be  so as pointed out by you there is nothing wrong to go for voluntary surrender.