Author Posts

September 26, 2016 at 4:45 pm

I just want to know if many are still active here considering the silence that I observed every time I long on here . I also accepted many friendships almost 8 per week, but I noticed they do not participate in our discussions in forum. For those who have just joined here, try to be active  in forum, and also try to comment or interact on our posts. Why? That is one way to increase our earnings here. Just do it, so you will be earn more , do more, write more, participate more and be happy more,LOL.

Unlike in the other sites like Mylot, after the writers post a discussion, series of interactions follow. It seems  we are in the outer space hahaha.

September 26, 2016 at 5:15 pm

Your right cely there are countable people here who appear to be active in this site. I see the same same people posting and commenting, yet there are people who are joining every other day. There should be more interactions going on here so comeon people lets bring on the discussions.

September 26, 2016 at 5:29 pm

Anitah Gimase, I think they are so busy this time receiving their payments at Tiny Cent. I have read a discussion here that this day is pay day at tiny  cent. Maybe you are also a member there sand happy to be paid this day. I am not a member there at TC.Yes, you are right, this site seems barren this evening here. This site seems lonely now, seems like a lonely world, wanting people to color days and nights to be happy again,

September 26, 2016 at 6:29 pm

For teh first time in many months,there seem to be plenty of sites that are interesting, look legit and are paying their writers.

It is quite normal for people to try new sites but I think people will eventually realize that Literacy Base is a good site. We can post meaningful articles here, earn money from our comments and and get paid.

Even if the site becomes a little quiet now and then, I am sure, people will not abandon it completely.

September 26, 2016 at 6:29 pm

For the first time in many months,there seem to be plenty of sites that are interesting, look legit and are paying their writers.

It is quite normal for people to try new sites but I think people will eventually realize that Literacy Base is a good site. We can post meaningful articles here, earn money from our comments and and get paid.

Even if the site becomes a little quiet now and then, I am sure, people will not abandon it completely.

September 26, 2016 at 9:46 pm

@cely  You are right! New people are joining everyday but hardly any are active in the forums. There are only few of us who are a regular on the forums. Perhaps others are introverts!

September 27, 2016 at 4:07 pm

I try my best to be active but I become bored too easily. Sometimes when I try to write I end up with a migraine then I am no good. My last migraine lasted over three days. No medication or meditation would help. Finally, I had to get a shot from the hospital to help.

When I do come to this site, I normally look for topics that interest me or ones that I may have some type of knowledge in. It is hard for me to start my own topics because I believe no one would be interested in what I have to say.

I believe I am an introvert but in reality, I am the opposite. I am only shy around people that I have never been around. I will try my best to be more active here.

September 27, 2016 at 5:12 pm

There are many active members here, as I observed with the blogs being posted here. Basing from posts, many are doing it. If you the admin would allow the automatic posting of the articles, there will be more posted articles here.

Aside from being active in postings, there are members who are active in making forums and responding to the replies. The members may allot more than two hours just to do this. Some are scattered time that includes me.

But anyway, it depends on how you define active here in literacy base. There are members who may not active in one page but active in other activities.

September 27, 2016 at 5:39 pm

@dawnwriter, You are, many are in the other sites and do not totally abandoned this site.That is normal especially our posts here take days before their approval and sometimes no approval at all, LOL.

September 27, 2016 at 5:43 pm

@Super D, Try to observe the blogs that are featured here, they are on display  for almost 3 days,others 4 days.Who knows if we only observe or take a look , 1 week. And those blogs posted or approved are owned by 1 person. Assuming 5 are displayed most of the time, owners only 2, 3 or 4 unlike in other sites, like mylot hundreds a day.They have 8,000 writers in mylot.The more in Blogjob if it does not only shut down ,I hope temporary shut down.

September 27, 2016 at 5:47 pm

@evilelf, Hi? Never be shy, we are all created equal by God,plus our duty in a writing site is to express our thoughts and feelings, meet people , make friend with them, interact and earn.

September 27, 2016 at 5:51 pm

@shaloo walia, Yes, you are correct, many joined here and never participated in forum. Maybe they do not know that forum is the only means to earn if failed to submit blogs.Maybe , I no longer accept invitation of friendship. They do not care at all.