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March 21, 2017 at 11:15 am

I am not sure how many, or if any other country has these issues. 

The FDA (food and drug administration) here in the US just does not seem to care. We hear about more and more food items that have ingredients that are carcinogenic or that cause health issues such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc. 

I didn’t read the article myself, but a family member told me about an article where it was discovered that Cinnamon Toast Crunch (a cereal here) has active ingredients that are also found in construction (building) sites. These are foods we feed our kids. 

We also use a lot of aspartame and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), things that are banned in other countries.

It’s so sad what we are putting into our bodies without realizing it. 

Do you live in a county where the foods have high levels of carcinogenic things or that cause severe health problems?

March 21, 2017 at 12:34 pm

Well in India, often on many roadside food stalls, and even in Restaurants, older and not so fresh ingredients are used. Many times, oil is heated again and again for making fried things, which many people eat and I have read that it can be dangerous for our health due to harmful ingredients such reheating causes.
We also hear about some banned things, even medicines that are still sold in India, when many European and other countries have banned them.
Sometimes, authorities take action, and awareness on food related safety matters in terms of labeling and categorization has increased.
However, public awareness and lack of hygiene is a major hindrance.

March 22, 2017 at 1:25 am



I think that is sad. It seems like some countries simply want to do whatever is cheaper for them, without care for who it can harm.

March 29, 2017 at 6:16 pm

This is very sad. When are Americans taking that much of care in Food what should be the position of India? Shall we expect more care from our policy makers than Americans? I do not think so.

There are many food items which are adulterated unmindful of the harm such action affects the health of the people. Still, the people do not question the rule makers who by themselves in several occasions break the rules.

The educated do not question and the uneducated can not question. This is the main reason for the situation.

We come across many food items on the pavement side of the roads. They most of the times using all sub-standard material in their preparations. The Food Inspectors, though well aware of this fact, they compromise with the situation and do not take action by insisting on the use of standard ingredients.

There are some N.G.Os which are functioning well and they take up the issues with the government with relevant proof. The finding of lead in the nestle’s Noodles of India led to a very serious issue. The lead found in the Noodle was beyond the accepted percentage. The N.G.O. took up the issue with the Government which had banned the item immediately.

The N.G.Os are really making some good job in this regard.

Recently, the Health authorities have conducted a raid on a shop on a tip-off that the owner is selling China rice which was found mixed in the rice. They are nothing but plastic rice that looks similar to rice and can be mixed very easily.


March 30, 2017 at 7:31 pm

I think here in India most of the processed foods have msg and also some other unhealthy ingredients. So you can say that there are many unwise people up in the order. And they don’t care about the life of people who are living normal life. And they don’t pay attention to the things that may affect the lives of normal people for sure. I think the governement and the people who are voted need to be properly checked before they are going to approve any bad things such as that.