Author Posts

February 24, 2017 at 5:05 pm

I was just wondering if you earn more commenting on a blog or commenting in a forum, or if they pay the same? I am also assuming that you earn more by writing a blog post? Lastly I read somewhere that the longer your comment is the more you earn, is that true?

February 24, 2017 at 5:29 pm

Tracy , Hello Tracy? I am visiting this site every few hours in the evening only. About your query, you are right, there is better pay in commenting a blog post; however, if also write long blog in forum, there is also better figure. In commenting a blog post long or short you’ll earn 20 cents.

if write a blog, at least three blogs more than 300 words- better longer everyday , for a matter of few hours ( 2 or 3 , unless already prepared your blogs) you will earn $1. That is why, the more you blog, the more you earn. You notice there are bloggers here that submit blogs in series . We can monitor how much to earn . Happy blogging.

Bye for now, good night from here.

February 24, 2017 at 5:52 pm

Thank you Cely, that helps clear up my questions. Hope you have an awesome day further.

March 12, 2017 at 1:32 pm

Based on what I’ve noticed on my comments made in forum and blog, they have the same rate, and it was based on the length of my post. The earnings I got from commenting are ranging from $.002 to $.02.  Though if you will start a new blog post, you will earn bigger amount. Based on the four blog posts I have made, I earned $0.22 on each of them.

March 12, 2017 at 1:51 pm

@Tracy, you are very much welcome . I hope you have lots of fun blogging, commenting and discussing in forums.It is a Sunday so I can spend many hours here. I want to earn to $2 this day only. I hope I can make it for tomorrow I will be at work again and only be here every evening. I always sleep late , but wake up early , yet I never miss to submit at least one blog a day. There are times I submit two blogs. This day I submitted two blogs at more than 1,000 words each and I earn $1 at least for few minutes only. I write the blog first, do the editing before something them in LB.

March 12, 2017 at 1:54 pm

@bluelion , When I write blogs and submit them here, each has more than 1,000 plus words so I earn almost $1 for the two blogs and do some commenting and discussing in forum to make it $1.

March 12, 2017 at 4:49 pm

@lovern I see. It’s nice that you can write long posts and it seems like you are comfortable doing it. Maybe for me, I will just stick with the over 500 words blog as I am not that comfortable writing too long. Hehe. My English fluency is still weak. Well, thank you for sharing. Now I know that writing a blog post that contains more than 1000 words gives almost half a dollar earning.

March 12, 2017 at 5:05 pm

I think if you are limited to writing 300 words. Then instead of writing blogs, make sure to comment on post and forums. Because those two options would give you same amount of money. For example, I found that only 500 words is something I can write for long. Now that most of the forums and comments on post makes me 15 cents easily. I don’t see the genuine reason for writing 300 words post these days.

March 12, 2017 at 5:34 pm

@bluelion,hehehehe, I am doing it every evening because I fall asleep when reached home from a so tiring job. I only write 2 posts good for 1 dollar and if lacking I just discuss some to make everything complete. I also cannot believe by the way that I can manage to write more than 1000 plus words hahahaha. One time I fall asleep and still typing only to read my blogs awesome for there are words I used not found in the dictionary hahahahaha, so funny blogging and sleeping,LOL. I akways bring a small notebook with me wherever I go.

Just stick to your 500 plus words. I might reduce my texts contents on blogs next time . If the topic is about health, I cannot expand the blog, but if write according to what I see on billboards , I may write more. The blog I submitted this evening about Love Life You Live, I got it from a very small billboard while on my way to church hehehe, that is my funny way to pick some blog titles from billboard, sign boards whatever as long as I can write them on the spot. Thanks.

March 12, 2017 at 9:12 pm

@lovern It’s good that your mind is sharp and you are spontaneous like words and ideas easily come to your mind. You can easily make paragraphs out of a subject. Maybe that’s also due to your job, which requires a lot of quick thinking and analyzing. Writing sites like LB is really suitable for you.

March 12, 2017 at 10:35 pm

This is a nice post. well explained about the earnings in different cases. However I feel commenting is easier than writing a big blog.. I mean at the same time you can comment more than writing a good blog.

Well I have seen lot of worthless blogging just for the sake of earning. Like cricket match series played in 2010/11 or so.

March 13, 2017 at 2:59 pm

@bluelion , hehehehe, you are funny friend, I just spend some minutes to write. I am used to write long blogs. I was once a blogger there in Blogjob. We are required to write at least 1,500 words to earn $100 a month and more if write more and reach some points required by the system. Maybe you were also a blogger at Blogjob. I was also a writer at Wiki nut though salary small and more. What I liked most was the first writing site I joined that was based in France for I earn big at almost $ 700 a month writing articles 30 weekly at 300 words each only, but it shut down for they changed their company to a news company so writers are there and live.

I hope to meet a site like the one fro France. There is actually a site introduced to me by my co-teacher , I might try friend resigned from teaching and his earning is almost $1,000 a month. They require me to take series of tests hehehehehe.Then they also require me to submit my resume and CV with all the credentials like TOR, etc.. I may try this June, it’s our summer vacation, no work for 2 months, but with pay.

I am also thankful to have met this site LB for we can earn more if write more or blog more.

March 13, 2017 at 4:23 pm

@lovern Wow, that’s a lot of writing experience, no wonder why you’re so comfortable in this way of earning. I never tried writing sites that require long articles. I think it’s only myLot, bubblews, skypip and here that I joined. How I wish I had also found that French website that you mentioned, I should have earned well as well.

Wow, you’re co-teacher really found a real online job, the amount of earning is better than an offline job. For sure, you can also do it, and maybe once you try it, you may also choose to make it full-time. Haha. good luck.

March 13, 2017 at 5:04 pm

@bluelion, hehehe, would you like to apply on that high paying site? By the way,why not try to write long blogs. The one I am going to submit this evening has 1000 plus words hehehehe. Thanks, enjoy.

March 13, 2017 at 5:34 pm

@lovern Even I want to, I know I am not capable for it. Haha. I have actually posted a long blog post today, composed of 1000+ words, and I earned 33 cents from it. I was actually hoping to earn almost half a dollar with it, but it’s okay, 33 cents is better than 22 cents. But I think I will stick with 500+ words next time, giving me 22 cents. Okay, another 1000+ post to come for you, congrats.