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October 28, 2016 at 12:57 pm

I have seen so many people who have unvouth behavior. Uncouth meaning behavior that is not acceptable. being a young girl years back, i used to vlub like any other young person, the only thing about me is that i never used to do drugs or even take alcohol. So when am in a group i will dance and have a wonderful time, but my friends would drink and also take hold of themselves but as you go on we have some people around us who will be dancing on top of the tables pouring drinks on themselves, and thats such a turn off especially on women. men might find that seductive but i feel offended. Have you ever gone through such times.

October 28, 2016 at 3:37 pm

Every body has such times in his life but you must keep in mind that some are born with comedian nature, some are born with tragical nature, some are born with serious nature, some born with silent nature….the nature of every body is change on earth.

So afar as friendship is concerned it is a law of nature two men never sits together until between the two one thing is common. It is the key element of friendship of different nature peoples on earth.

The same case with you have no common trait among your friends. Think, those who drink and the drinking arouse the same emotions on the drunks’ mind screen that is why they follow each other on the ground of emotions not on the ground of reason.

It is a concrete fact that emotions follow emotions, reason follows reason, love follows love, hate follows hate…Dogs sit among the dogs, swine sit among the swine….