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October 21, 2016 at 8:37 am

Freshly graduated students believe that they are fully equipped in applying for a job. Hunting of job is not easy if some companies prefer a well-skilled applicant. It is fact that working students are far better than the others. The reason, they were able to apply what they are learning from books at school while working in the same line of profession.




October 21, 2016 at 8:52 am

i can’t agree with you more.. Those first books that were written for colleges were written by those who did not have degrees  😀

October 21, 2016 at 10:45 am

@bestwriter You have a point there. I guess we can also learn something from those who don’t have a degree and became successful based on their biography. They might not be good in academic but excel in their own respective skills.

October 21, 2016 at 11:49 am

The writer says true we cannot get all things from bookish knowledge because books just give us information not knowledge. For example. of you get pass the examination with good marks, you will feel pleasure, but here lies a question how can you describe the exact pleasure in words for the readers. It is a fact we cannot write at all our feelings and emotions in words. The same process works in writing a book the writer writes the books on the basis of information not on the basis of feelings and emotions. It is said that practical is the mother of knowledge.

From books we can get just pieces of information not true knowledge means to know the true nature of things. While writing a book the book the writer thesis, people comment over it and the writer makes third concoction hypothesis is written in great books besides course books.

October 21, 2016 at 3:50 pm

@jhsayyar For theoritical concept, it is definitely of what you had mentioned. But then, there are some books with proof or rather basis to back up their claims. The conventional subject science has its theory but the authors have their own proofs.

October 21, 2016 at 5:50 pm

Well, we learn many things at work, apart from the Theoretical concepts.

October 21, 2016 at 6:07 pm

@ptrikha15 I totally agree with that. I can still remember my classmate at college days. She claimed to be good in academic but in practical application, it is totally a failure.

October 21, 2016 at 6:41 pm

Learning talent is hidden in parents’ genes and it flourishes in a mild atmosphere of society. Some peoples are born to learn and some people are born to waste time as some books are to chew and some books are to read and some books are to remember…

Learning from the books is not an easy job for all of us. Always those who have the blessings of God lean from the books but all not.

October 21, 2016 at 6:56 pm

@jhsayyar I must admit reading books are not being done lately. During my college days, I had so many textbooks needed to be read in surviving  the examination. Learning can be developed. However, people who have learning disabilties; it is not possible.

October 21, 2016 at 10:02 pm

A person can be filled with all of the book knowledge possible but if that person doesn’t have a little bit of what we call street knowledge then they will never survive. This has to do with working in a career and living life in general. I can read all the books about parenting but it can never prepare me for the real world challenge of being a mother. Just like in school, they don’t teach you how to act at a job or what you should know already. It also doesn’t teach you how to act to certain situations in the workplace.

I had to learn a lot of things on my own. I try to teach that to my kids as well. There are certain things they will have to learn on their own. I will be there to guide them but I can’t make the choices for them.

October 21, 2016 at 10:07 pm

@Shavkat, actually those with learning disabilities can still learn but will have a much harder time doing so. Depending on the disability the person has, there are many different ways of teaching something. I am hard of hearing in my right ear. So I can hear almost nothing in it. So I would need a person to talk to me on my left side at all times. When something like this occurs then visual aids come in handy. I think this is why most instruction manuals come with pictures in them. But the one teaching should always take their time teaching.

October 21, 2016 at 10:34 pm

That’s so true. Not everything is learned in books or in school. There are certain things that we do in life that don’t really need a manual or need to be taught so that they can be done. Nowadays I see most university graduates are failing in their work places because they are not able to complete certain tasks for lack of knowledge on how to do them. Not because they didn’t go to school but because they depended on their books to get the knowledge they have,  that’s why scholars say we have two types of people LEARNED and EDUCATED people. The learned people are those who read books to pass exams but the educated are those who use practical examples to lead a successful life. And most people fall in the first category. Why people just don’t want to think for themselves everyone wants to have everything on a silver platter and that’s just not possible. So something’s are right there in front of us we only need to see how to get it done, we don’t need a manual to run out lives do we?

October 22, 2016 at 6:32 am

@sauda I can’t agree more. Well, I must say that I had learned so many things in interacting with people. It is not always by the book. There are some skills that I had learned which is not taught at school too. We just need to explore things and appreciate it.

October 22, 2016 at 6:34 am

@evilelf I do think that we need also add patience in teaching people with learning disabilities. I know it is possible. Visual aids are also essential for these people with an exemption of people with dyslexia.

October 22, 2016 at 7:51 am

It is impossible that what has been taking place in real life should be published on the book. It would be a very big book for that matter. Well, if you are reading the Bible, all those that transpired from more than 2,000 years till the birth of Jesus Christ, it would be a big volume of books. It would probably covered the whole world or the earth. That is why, we continue reading the said great book, there was a disclaimer that what has been written are in the form of summary or what is the important was only recorded.

This would also be related that we have studied in the school, from primary to secondary, secondary to the tertiary level is not written on the book. Nowadays, there are media to record the history, the events, and any form of happenings. These media may include the electronic diskette or compact disc, hard disc, or storage on the Internet. Therefore, whatever data recorded on them could be retrieved anytime without interruption or waste of time. I forget to mention the microfiche or recording them to a microfilm which could be read by a microfiche reader.