Author Posts

September 3, 2016 at 3:08 pm

I just read a post at myLot that they have received payment through paypal

Here is the link


September 3, 2016 at 4:37 pm

@bestwriter Good news. Thank you so much for posting this update.

September 3, 2016 at 4:54 pm

@Luciana Have you received the email yet?   Atleast from the post that I read it is confirmed. I did not want to say anything until I saw proof.

September 3, 2016 at 5:14 pm

@bestwriter Not received the email yet because I have not reached the minimum payout, but good to hear that Paypal is through for tinycent.

September 3, 2016 at 5:18 pm

@luciaanna In that case you will have to wait. rush and reach your limit.

September 3, 2016 at 6:03 pm

@bestwriter Good suggestion. I will try to do my best, depending on my commitments.

September 3, 2016 at 9:53 pm

Excuse me, but what is tinycent?

September 4, 2016 at 11:06 am

Im not sure why, but I have a bad feeling about tinycent. I do not think they will last, with their high pay rate. I think we can expect to wake up one morning and the sites be gone, and everyone that had great articles on there are missing out. I also think they are only for indian writers, is this right? I am in the US

September 4, 2016 at 11:55 am

@ Ashley Herrington  If you have been or  are  on writing sites you will know nothing is permanent. Many sites have come and gone. And to tell you who is on tinycent I am not the person. For that you will have to write to contact there.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by bestwriter.

September 4, 2016 at 12:31 pm

Thanks @bestwriter for sharing this good news. I have made my redemption last week, and have received the payment from PayPal two days ago. I am happy that the site has finally solved the PayPal issue, as it will be more convenient for members who are not staying in India to receive payment via PayPal.


I wanted to write a post and also share this news to others in tinycent and also mylot, but my husband is away from home these few days and I am taking care of three children on my own, so I do not have much flexible time to write. I am surely going to share this, as I have read some people stop writing at tinycent because it does not pay via paypal. So, this good news is going to encourage more people joining and writing there.


But I just found out the pay rate has been decreased when I logged in to tinycent just now. Perhaps this is better for the site in long run. 1 cent per view seems to be too good. 🙂

September 4, 2016 at 12:51 pm

@Lee Ka Happy to hear that you finally got paid. It is a great thing for tinycent as hopefully there will be more joining which in the long run will benefit the community

About reduced rates,  one cent per view was too high is what many have agreed. You need to share your blogs with social networking sites.

September 4, 2016 at 1:05 pm

@frostice Tinycent is a revenue sharing social site, where we can write posts there and earn some extra money. The pay rate is 0.5 cent per view, so if you can generate more traffics to your posts, you will get to earn more. Minimum payout for the first time is $5, and the subsequent payouts is $15. Payment method includes direct bank transfer (for those who are staying in India), Amazon gift card and now Paypal! 🙂


@ashley0323 I think there are some good and bad comments about the site. It is not meant for Indians only. Perhaps previously there are more Indians getting paid as they got paid through direct bank transfer. I read there are people from United States have redeemed Amazon gift cards too. I am glad that they now pay via PayPal, so it might interest more people around the world to join the site.


Previously it was paying 1 cent per view, which I think is quite high too. But now, they have reduced the pay rate to 0.5 cent per view. Hope this will be better for the site in long run, though I wish it was still at a higher rate. 😀

September 4, 2016 at 1:09 pm

@bestwriter Yes, I am happy to get my payment. I continued to write on that site because I have heard from others, the owner is trusted and sincere. Though we all wish to earn better, I also think 1 cent per view is too good, and it might not keep the site running well for long time. So, hopefully reducing the rate will be better for all.


I am not sure if I will be making $15 there soon, as I don’t drive much traffics to my posts, so it might not be easy for me to earn there. 🙂

September 4, 2016 at 2:27 pm

@Lee Ka If you manage to write a few posts say even 3 a day and assuming you get 20 views you will earn 30 cents that would fetch you 10 dollars in a month. I think it is far better than what we would earn at myLot – just saying. I get on an average 30 views I share with FB, linkedin, pinterest, tumblr and stumble upon.  

September 4, 2016 at 2:51 pm

@bestwriter  You are right. I think we can still earn better at tinycent, though I don’t get many views. I get usually more than 10 views per post, so I think I will only earn less than 10 cent per post. But, it is good that the limit of posts per day is 10, so if we can write many posts, we will still get to earn more.


It might be a good time for me to work on the social networking sites, so it will help to bring me more traffics now and later too. I still do not have much idea how to work with stumble upon, though suny has mentioned it is really a good site to share and bring traffics to our posts.


Though I might not be able to write a few posts per day, perhaps just one or even none, it is still good to try it out especially if the site is trusted. Have you got your second payment already?